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This Week’s Inspiring Horoscopes From Rob Brezsny’s ‘Free Will Astrology’


Our partner Rob Brezsny provides his weekly wisdom to illuminate our thinking and motivate our mood. Rob’s Free will astrology, is a weekly syndicated column that appears in more than a hundred publications. He is also the author of Pronoia is the antidote to paranoia: how all of creation is conspiring to shower you with blessings. (A free preview of the book is available here.)

Here’s your weekly horoscope …

FREE WILL ASTROLOGY – Week beginning August 6, 2021
Copyright by Rob Brezsny,

LEO (July 23 to August 22):
The next two months will be an auspicious time for you and your close allies to grow closer, harnessing the power of your imagination. I urge you to be creative when coming up with ways to educate and entertain others. Go on playful adventures together that will delight him. Here is a poem by Vyacheslav Ivanov that I hope will stimulate you: “We are two llamas in a midnight forest. We are two meteors that fly at night, a double-headed arrow from the same destination. We are two steeds whose bridle is held in one hand. We are two eyes of a single glance, two trembling wings of a dream, lips of two voices of unique mysteries. We are two arms of a single cross ”.

VIRGO (from August 23 to September 22):
Virgo spiritual author Don Miguel Ruiz urges us not to take anything personally. He says that if someone treats us disrespectfully, they are almost certainly suffering psychological wounds that cause them to act vulgar and insensitive. Their attacks have little to do with the truth about us. I agree with him and will add this important caveat. Even if you refrain from taking such abuses personally, it does not mean that you should tolerate them. It doesn’t mean that you should keep that person in your life or allow them to bully you in the future. I suspect these are important topics for you to contemplate at this time.

LIBRA (from September 23 to October 22):
“People who feel deeply, live deeply, and love deeply are destined to suffer deeply,” writes poet Juansen Dizon. To that romantic and youthful nonsense, I say: NO! WRONG! People who feel, live, and love deeply are emotionally smarter than people who live on the surface and are therefore less fragile. Safeties are likely to be experts in psychology; they have skills to free themselves from the burden of their problems. The deep ones also have access to rich spiritual resources that ensure that their suffering is a source of transformative teaching, and rarely a cause of defeat. Have you guessed that I am describing it as it will be in the next few weeks?

ESCORPION (from October 23 to November 21):
Psychology professor Ethan Kross tells us that there can be healthy and creative forms of envy. “Just as hunger tells us we need to eat,” he writes, “the feeling of envy could show us what is missing in our lives that we really care about.” The trick is not to interpret envy as a negative emotion, but to see it as useful information that shows us what we want. In my astrological opinion, that is a valuable practice for you to implement in the next few days. So pay close attention to the pangs of envy that arise in your conscience. Take advantage of those volatile things to motivate yourself as you make plans to get the experience itself or to reward your envy.

SAGITTARIUS (from November 22 to December 21):
The poet Walt Whitman boasted of being “great.” Said, “I contain multitudes.” One critic compared it to “a whole continent with its waters, with its trees, with its animals.” Responding to Whitman, Sagittarius poet Gertrud Kolmara he made an equally grand boast. “I am also a continent,” he wrote. “I have mountains never reached, unpenetrated bushes, bays of ponds, river delta, coastline that licks salt.” This is how I am imagining you these days, dear Sagittarius: as unexplored territory: as a borderland full of mysteries to discover. I love how expansive you are as you open your mind and heart to new self-definitions. I love how you are willing to risk being unknowable for a while as you head into the future.

CAPRICORN (from December 22 to January 19):
Poet Ezra Pound wrote a letter to novelist James Joyce that included the following passage: “You are screwed with my head, and so far I have been enjoying it. Where is the crime? I mention this to you, Capricorn, because I think the next few weeks will be the best time for you to connect with interesting souls who get into your head in pleasant ways. You need a friendly shake or two: a series of galvanizing prods; dialogues that catalyze you to try new ways of thinking and seeing; Animated exchanges that inspire you to experiment.

AQUARIUS (from January 20 to February 18):
Blogger Mandukhai Munkhbaatar offers advice on the arts of intimate communion. “Don’t just fall in love with a body or a face,” he tells us. “Don’t fall in love with the idea of ​​being in love.” He also wants you to know that it is best for your long-term health and happiness if you are not looking for a welcoming relationship with a person who fears your insanity, or with someone who, after a fight, disappears and refuses to speak. I approve of all these suggestions. Any other you would add? It is a favorable phase to be more clear about the qualities of the people you love and do not want as your allies.

PISCES (from February 19 to March 20):
I gave my readers homework and asked them to answer the question, “What is your favorite rule to break?” In response, Laura Grolla sent these thoughts: “My favorite rule to break is an unwritten one: that we should all emphasize and strive for excellence. I came up with a mantra to end stress: “It’s okay to be okay.” In my OK, I have discovered the subtle frontier of satisfaction, which is vast and largely unexplored. Being well allows me not to compete for attention, but rather to pay attention to others. I love OKness for the humor and deep, refreshing sleep it has generated. Best of all, OKness allows me to age happily rather than anxiously warm. “I draw your attention to this, Pisces, because I believe the next few weeks will be an auspicious time for you to investigate and embody the soothing mysteries of OKness.

ARIES (March 21 to April 19):
Filmmaker Federico Fellini had an unexpected definition of happiness. He said it was “being able to tell the truth without hurting anyone.” I suspect you’ll have plenty of access to that kind of happiness in the weeks ahead, Aries. I will go even further: you will have additional power to speak the truth in a way that heals and lifts people up. My advice to you, therefore, is to celebrate and indulge your ability. Be bold in expressing the fullness of what interests you.

TAURUS (from April 20 to May 20):
“Look for a long time what pleases you, and even longer what hurts you,” wrote novelist Colette. That?! Was he making a wicked joke? That’s wicked advice, and I hope you adopt it only on rare occasions. In fact, the exact opposite is the healthy way of life, especially for you in the weeks to come. Look what hurts you, yeah. Don’t lose sight of your problems and hurts. But please, for the sake of your dreams, for the benefit of your spiritual and psychological health, look more at what pleases you, energizes you and inspires you.

GEMINI (from May 21 to June 20):
If you deepen your affection for butterflies and hummingbirds, I will love it. If you decide you want the dragonfly, bumblebee, or lark to be your spirit creature, I will approve. You almost always benefit from cultivating relationships with fast, agile, and lively influences, and that’s especially true these days. So give yourself permission to experiment with the super power of playful curiosity. You are most likely to thrive when you are circling in search of vibrant waves and lively rhythms.

CANCER (from June 21 to July 22):
Life is showing you truths about what you are not, what you don’t need, and what you shouldn’t strive for. That’s auspicious, although it may initially seem unsettling. I urge you to welcome these revelations with gratitude. They will help you tune into the nuances of what it means to be radically authentic. They will increase your confidence in correcting the path you have chosen for yourself. I hope they even show you which of your fears are irrelevant. Hunger for these extraordinary teachings.

THEY WANT MORE? Listen to Rob’s EXPANDED AUDIO HOROSCOPES, 4-5 minute meditations on the current status of your destination, or subscribe to his exclusive daily texting service at:

(Zodiac images by, CC License)

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