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Seoul is Using AI to Prevent Suicide Attempts on Bridges


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Cameras at traffic lights and other posts on bridges in Seoul aren’t there to tell if you’re speeding; they are doing a much more important job: a job that saves lives.

Using artificial intelligence, programmers at the Seoul Institute of Technology are building a system to recognize body movements and other signals to help identify if someone is contemplating ending their own life. If the system believes there is a risk, it will immediately alert local rescue teams.

Suicide is a major problem in South Korea, and the rates are higher than in other well-developed countries. Furthermore, it can be extremely difficult, even for trained surveillance teams, to deduce whether a person is simply pensive while enjoying the view from one of Seoul’s 27 bridges.

“We believe that the new CCTV will allow our teams to detect cases a bit faster and help us to take a call more quickly,” said Kim Hyeong-gil, who is in charge of the Yeouido Aquatic Rescue Brigade. Reuters.

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It is vitally important that the system learn by itself from the experience, analyze in every detail what a person at risk is doing and then catalog the actions depending on whether it was confirmed that it was a suicide attempt or not.

The programmers are looking to test the system with the Seoul Fire and Rescue this October.

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