New News

Brave Woman Loses Weight by Changing to a Positive Mindset


When someone loses weight, they probably attribute their success to diet and exercise, but mindset makes a big difference, too! Josephine Desgrand from Australia ended up losing 132 pounds in total by taking a positive outlook. Of course, she also went to the gym and changed her eating habits, but her newfound optimism pushed her to overcome it.

When Josephine was 16 years old, she reached her maximum weight of 127 kg, or almost 280 pounds. At that point, he realized that he needed to make some serious changes, so he jumped right into a healthy life style and never looked back. When someone feels that fire inside them and loses weight, they often end up falling very quickly.

“I lost in total, I’m pretty sure it was like 62 kilograms. Over 132 pounds, and that was in less than 11 months! All on my own, all naturally “

Such a dramatic transformation can only happen when someone really wants to make a difference in their life. Often times, it is only when we reach our lowest point that we rise from the ashes and become the best of ourselves. When a person loses weight, they not only change their physical appearance, but they also change for the better on the inside.

So how did Josephine achieve such transformative results?

“I started my fitness journey in 2016. I was 16 and overweight,” says Josephine. “Actually, I was so exhausted from being overweight. I had tried so many times, so many different diets, trying to lose weight, but nothing was working for me. “

She says that at the time, she didn’t have the right mindset to lose weight and hadn’t done enough research on healthy foods. So, she got to work learning everything she could about food to understand what her body really needed to thrive. This served as the first stepping stone to reaching your goals and feeling better in your own skin.

“I sat there and Googled everything I could and tried to find as much information as I could.”

While he came across many conflicting ideas, they all seemed to agree with the negative health consequences of sugar and refined carbohydrates. So, he eliminated them from his diet immediately.

“So I started to see results almost immediately. The first few weeks I could see a big difference. “

Josephine decided not to weigh herself while still shedding pounds, but to use before and after photos to track progress.

“At the end of two weeks or after a week I would compare my two photos, my initial photo and my current photo, and I could see the little differences,” he said. “I did that every two weeks and I saw a lot of changes, and the first six weeks I lost 15 kilograms!”

That works out to about 33 pounds, which comes from adjusting minor things about your lifestyle. Eliminating sugar, paying attention to the foods you ate, and exercising regularly contributed to weight loss. Of course, when someone loses weight, maintaining these good habits becomes a challenge. However, if you consider exercising and eating healthy as “indulging,” this change in mindset could make a difference.

Everything is in positivity

Most people view exercise and healthy food choices as boring or restrictive. If you find fitness to be a chore, it will be difficult to maintain it in the long term. However, if you choose to view lifestyle change as beneficial to your mind and body, you will want to stay that way.

As Josephine said, a positive mindset helped her stay on track and stay motivated to keep losing weight. She knew she didn’t feel good about being overweight, but she had to change her perspective to start seeing results. If you want to achieve any goal in life, it all starts in your own mind. Mantras and positive affirmations can greatly help you realize your potential and move forward in life.

Think of how much you can accomplish in one year if you just started today. You also don’t have to go from sitting on the couch to running a marathon right away. Just take that first step: sign up for a gym membership, cut out the foods you know make you feel bad, or take a walk around your neighborhood. Every little step will take you in the direction you want to go.

“Today is my second anniversary of the day I decided to change my life. I remember clearly thinking, this is it, I’m going to do this. I took control myself. I knew it was me, and only me, who could make this change. I lost 60 kg in 11 months and have maintained it for just over a year. The biggest advice I can give is to keep going. Do not give up. Time will pass anyway, so spend it creating the life you want. It’s your choice.”

Final thoughts on how someone loses weight through positive thinking

We all feel trapped in life at times, but only you can decide to take the reins and make a difference for yourself. Also don’t feel like you have to lose weight or look a certain way to anyone other than yourself. If you compare yourself to other people’s journey, you will always feel inadequate. Try to be better than the person you were yesterday and you will inspire others in the process.

“The same girl, a completely different life. It took me a long time to believe I could do it, but if you change your mind, you will change your body. I am very proud to see the results of my hard work and effort. Make the change. You got it.”


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