New News

2021: Resources for the Journey


2021: Travel Resources

January 1, 2021– “A year ago, when 2020 was dawning, we joined many around the world to imagine a year of possibility and transformation. It was the beginning of a new decade and the number 2020 could not help but evoke the hope of a new one, clear ways of seeing. Most of us simply could not have imagined the global pandemic that would sweep across the world, making our connection between us more poignant and powerful than ever … And here, a year later, how do we cross this threshold? towards the New Year when many things are still unknown? Who do we want to be, as individuals and as a collective, for ourselves and for our world? And what role does gratitude play as we enter the New Year? with all our hopes and longings very Humans? “The appreciation team shares a wonderful collection of resources to support these inquiries as we enter this new year. (538 reads)

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To take actionWhat does transformation mean to you? What motivates you to learn, to grow, to continue deepening and broadening your experience of life and the world?



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