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15 Habits That Reduce Early Mental Decline


Wouldn’t it be amazing if you stayed young and mentally sharp forever? Unfortunately, time has a way of robbing us of our vitality with each passing moment. There is no Fountain of Youth, but you can try these 15 helpful tricks to slow premature aging and mental decline.

15 healthy habits to help reduce the chances of early mental decline

These good habits can help prevent cognitive decline.

1. Drink enough water to hydrate yourself

Did you know that your brain is made up of approximately 75 percent water? It stands to reason that you should drink enough water to keep your body and mind hydrated for optimal health. If you remain in a constant mental fog, you may not be drinking enough.

Health experts recommend consuming at least 6-8 glasses of water a day. You may need to drink a little more when you are especially active. When you drink enough water to hydrate, your brain can stay healthy and can prevent mental decline.

2. Practice yoga

The practice of yoga dates back thousands of years to ancient India, where the first Hindu practitioners created a philosophical system that included body, mind, and spirit. Gentle yogic postures And mindful breathing can not only strengthen your body, it can also supply more oxygen to your brain and reduce stress.

3. Try aerobic exercise

Aerobic exercise increases your heart rate and floods your body with oxygen-rich blood. This form of exercise not only helps you burn fat more efficiently, it also nourishes your brain. The extra blood and oxygen keep your brain healthy and can protect your cognitive functions and memory.

A brisk walk can provide enough aerobic activity to benefit your entire body. You don’t have to work out for hours in a gym. Talk to a licensed fitness trainer to find other aerobic exercises that are best for you.

4. Attend social events

If you want to avoid mental decline as you age, avoid isolating yourself from family and friends. Your brain thrives on socializing and stimulating conversation. When you attend social events, you often meet new people and learn new ideas to broaden your understanding.

Studies show that people who isolate themselves too often face depression. It is a downward spiral as depression can lead to a reduction in your mental abilities. Be sure to spend time with family and friends for field trips and other exciting events.

If you live alone and have a small circle of friends, you can always go to social events to meet other people. Spend time in the library, go to museums, concerts, and other places that pique your interest. Social interaction will keep your brain busy and happy.

5. Practice meditation

Meditation is an ideal way to relax your mind and calm your body from stress. Like the practice of yoga, it is an ancient technique used to reduce stress and bring harmony to your body, mind, and spirit. When you meditate, you breathe carefully and allow your brain to focus on a higher power.

All you need is a comfortable and quiet place to meditate for 10-15 minutes. At first, it may seem a bit silly and your thoughts will run wild. With practice, you can let your thoughts pass without judgment and you will be able to do so effectively.

You can give your mind a break from a flood of thoughts when you meditate. It can minimize mental decline and bring clarity to your thought processes. Try meditating for a few minutes each day and see how it can benefit you.

6. Enjoy the riddles

You cannot get a healthy, toned and fit body without working out. It requires a proper diet and daily exercise regimen, including cardio and weight training. If you maintain a sedentary lifestyle without exercise, your health and body condition will deteriorate.

Your brain needs the same stimulation. To maintain good brain health and prevent mental decline, you need to challenge and exercise daily. Remember the old saying that if you don’t use it, you will lose it?

Instead of spending mindless hours watching TV, indulge in some brain teasers and puzzles to improve your deductive reasoning and critical thinking skills. Work crosswords, sudoku or any other fun game that challenges you. Answering trivia questions can also get your mind going.

7. Get enough sleep

According to statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about one in three Americans does not get enough rest each night. If you are in the crowd that doesn’t sleep, you know how miserable it makes you feel and how insomnia clouds your thinking and perception. Lack of sleep can cause a number of mental and health conditions, including eventual mental decline.

Although medical experts recommend six to eight hours of rest a day, some people need a little more and others a little less. If you are not getting enough rest and you feel its effects, the reasons may be physical or environmental. Talk to your healthcare provider to find ways to help you get enough rest.

8. Eat a diet rich in protein

The ancient Greek philosopher Epicurus once pointed out that we are everything we eat. If you consider your current diet routine, you may not be satisfied with the result. A recent study shows that approximately 36.6 percent of Americans eat high-calorie fast food every day.

With alarming statistics Like these, it’s no wonder America is battling an obesity epidemic, especially among youth and children. Obesity contributes to many deadly diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, hypertension, strokes, and cancers.

Research indicates a positive correlation between a high-protein diet and the prevention of mental impairments such as dementia or Alzheimer’s disease. Other studies also suggest a decrease in brain function in people who consume junk food on a chronic basis. A balanced diet is the best route to take if you want your body and mind to stay strong and healthy.

The daily recommendations for protein intake are between 5 and 6 ounces. Enjoy lean servings of poultry, beef, and pork. Other rich sources of protein include nuts, eggs, fish, and dark green leafy vegetables.

9. Eat organic vegetables

Do you know what you are eating when you buy regular fruits and vegetables at the grocery store? Most of the products found in supermarkets across the United States have been treated with chemical pesticides and fertilizers that are dangerous to your health. Many of these chemicals can cause cancer.

It is worth the additional cost to buy certified organic vegetables and fruits. Many people avoid middlemen and grow their own products. While studies show no difference Among the nutritional value of regular and organic products, organic products still have higher levels of antioxidants.

Here are some compelling reasons why doctors recommend organic food.

10. Increase your antioxidants

These powerful antioxidants fight free radicals in the bloodstream that can damage cells. Protecting your cells with antioxidants can slow down the aging process for your skin, your internal systems and your brain. As you age, damaged brain cells do not replenish as quickly, which is why many older people experience mental decline.

A diet rich in a variety of organic fruits and vegetables can improve your cognition in the long run. They also provide brain-healthy vitamins and minerals and rough fiber for proper digestion. The USDA recommends that you eat at least five servings of vegetables a day and four servings of fruits.

11. Reduce stress

If you are a commoner who works every day, a celebrity or royalty, you must realize that everyone deals with pressure. Your stress may be different from that of movie stars, but everyone’s body will react negatively to chronic stress. You may not be able to eliminate all of your stress, but you can reduce it.

Your body is programmed to protect itself with an automatic survival instinct. When your brain feels threatened, it pumps stress hormones called cortisol and adrenaline into your blood to prepare you for a fight, flight, freeze, or blackout. Since your brain does not distinguish between dangerous threats and aggravation, you can live in a state of Chronic stress that can wreak havoc on your health.

12. Stop smoking

Smoking tobacco can destroy the entire body, including the brain. The large number of dangerous chemicals can not only affect brain cells, but can also contribute to mental health problems.

13. Reduce your alcohol consumption

You know what excessive alcohol consumption can affect your liver, but you also know that it can cause brain damage. If you experience blackouts due to excessive alcohol consumption over time, it can destroy brain cells that cannot be replaced. Keep alcohol consumption to a minimum.

14. Get treatment for depression

Medical experts believe that depression is caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors. When you have a chemical imbalance in your brain, it can affect your memory and cognitive functions. Consult a mental health professional for treatment of depression.

15. Practice positivity

Have you ever noticed how weak your body feels when you are in a state of depression? Be kind to your brain and you must learn to be positive. Surround yourself with other positive people and you will see how your sanity will flourish.

Final thoughts on preventing early mental decline

Although it’s normal for your memory and cognition to slip a bit as you age, you don’t need to experience complete mental decline.

By keeping your body strong and healthy with proper diet and exercise, you can reduce your risks for disease, dementia, and Alzheimer’s. Make sure you eat a high protein diet and avoid fast food and sweets. Food is meant to nourish the body and provide fuel, not just to please your taste buds.

When you take good care of your body, mind, and spirit, it will serve you well in your golden years. And that commitment to self-care can help prevent early mental decline.


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