
Scorpio Horoscope February 2021 — Love and Career Predictions

Read what your sign’s 2021 horoscope predictions have in store for you or check out the Scorpio personality profile. 

Welcome to February, Scorpio! There’s no denying the effects COVID-19 has had on the economy, but the end of January saw you working hard in spite of it all. No, that doesn’t make you an evil capitalist, it just means that you’re passionate about your work, and you also know what has to be done in times like these. Multiple things can be true at once, and don’t forget — it’s okay to feel happy about what’s happening in your own life, even though it’s complicated out there. 

Speaking of you, your love life enters the spotlight when the planet of romance, Venus, enters logical Aquarius and your 4th House of Home and Family on Monday, February 1. Perhaps it’s the pandemic, perhaps it’s the planets, but suddenly the idea of settling down may seem pretty sweet to you. Don’t worry, you can still be spontaneous, but these days it’s likely you’re warming up to the idea of getting more serious and finding a partner you can really count on. 

However, whether you’re partnered or single as of right now, sometimes your biggest enemy is yourself when it comes to love. You don’t trust easily, so it can be hard to let people in. Use the Aquarius new moon on Thursday, February 11, which represents new beginnings, to try and let go of beliefs that hold you back from opening up. Consider a new moon ritual in which you write down some of your self-limiting thoughts and then rip them up or safely burn them. 

The astrological event of 2021 that everyone is talking about is the meeting of innovative Uranus, which is in hardworking Taurus, and strict Saturn, which is in humanitarian Aquarius. These planets square off three times this year, and the first occurs on Wednesday, February 17. These squares are so significant because they represent a time in which progressive thinking clashes with conservative thinking, which is fitting for our current political situation. 

For you, Scorpio, these squares face off your 7th House of Partnership with your 4th House of Family. As noted earlier, you may be feeling ready for something more serious when it comes to your romantic life. You’re yearning for a romantic partner to become family. While the stars are indicating this may be in the cards for you, it also won’t come without sacrifice. Before you go running, little scorpion, remember that this isn’t a bad thing. After all, relationships require us to do some work; work that can be transformative. Don’t be afraid to put in the time and effort.

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