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Funding secured for a refugee cooking school in London

A charity that helps refugee chefs integrate into UK society by sharing their cuisine with the public will open a cooking school in London. A crowdfunding campaign follows, which this week surpassed its target of £ 126,000.

Before the pandemic, Migrateful taught in-person cooking classes led by refugee and migrant chefs to help them integrate and improve their English, increasing their employment opportunities. Now the charity is preparing to transform an empty space in Clerkenwell into a cooking school for chefs who have come to the UK in search of a better life.

The Crowdfunder was pushed over the line thanks to a £ 45,000 commitment from the City Council. Jules Pipe, Deputy Mayor for Planning, Regeneration and Skills, said: “Our communities have some fantastic ideas on how to get out of the pandemic and bring our city together. We are proud to support this project and look forward to seeing the positive impact it will have on the local community. “

Image: Migrateful


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