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Psychologists Explain 6 Reasons Why People Scream

People express their emotions by yelling and it is one of the most intense ways to do it. Whether they’re happy, sad, or scared, a scream is often the first reaction someone has. While everyone does, most people don’t know why people yell or what it means.

This cry is sometimes a sign that something is wrong, but this is not always the case. While it’s true in some cases, it’s just as likely to happen when something positive is happening.

New studies show that there is a reason why people communicate in this way, helping us to understand the action a little more. Scientists have found six different types of screams and what each of them means. The types include alarming and non-alarming screams.

Six Reasons People Scream and Feelings Revealed

Understanding why someone yells is critical because it indicates their emotions. This signal can alert you to danger, threat, and even excitement. These yells are a communication tool, and you may notice that when one person yells, others start to do it too.

1. To cope with a traumatic event

When someone is having trouble coping, they may yell to release their emotions. Yelling to cope often occurs in unexpected and devastating situations when someone is surprised by bad news. Their first reaction is to let go of the sudden pain they feel.

If a situation is traumatic enough, crying may not help enough. The crying will seem to last forever, but the pain is still intense. When someone is feeling this way, they may turn to this reaction for relief.

No matter what the situation is, if someone has a coping problem, they might scream. It is used as a release and can make people feel better. You may find it difficult to understand this reason if you have no trouble coping with it, but it is too real for others.

Try to be understanding in these situations. It is impossible to feel what someone else is feeling, and they are coping with it the only way they know how.

2. They feel like they have lost control

When someone is overwhelmed by negative thoughts, feelings, and emotions, they are likely to feel a loss of control. Experiencing this usually leads to finding other things to take control of. This is especially true for anyone who wants power in all situations.

Someone who feels like they have lost control may resort to yelling because it is something they can control. The person can control how loud they are, how powerful their scream is, and how it makes them feel. Also, they can control their reaction in this way, giving them some comfort.

3. They feel threatened or are naturally aggressive

If someone feels that they are being threatened, they can react by yelling. Threats bring out strong emotions because they often target a person’s sense of well-being. In this case, it can be a defense mechanism to scare off potential predators.

Even if they know that the threat might not happen, it can intensely annoy them. This heightened reaction can occur when someone you love is also threatened.

Some people yell because they are naturally aggressive. When they get angry, their first reaction is to speak out loud and assert their power. It helps them feel more superior, which is something aggressive people want.

When someone yells because they are aggressive, it can become physical. The overwhelming aggression and the person’s need for power could start a fight. A physical altercation is not always what happens, but it is always a real possibility to consider.

4.- they imitate learned behavior

Sometimes if someone grew up in an environment with frequent bouts of yelling or yelling, they will mimic that behavior. Whenever conflict arises, they rely on yelling as a way to deal with the situation.

In this situation, it is likely that the person has not learned positive coping skills. They might think that yelling is a standard way of dealing with problems because that’s the way They were raised.

Another case in which this can occur is when it comes to fears. If someone sees their parents or another role model screaming out of fear of something, they might react that way too. For example, if a mother screams every time she sees a bug, her child may imitate that same behavior in adulthood.

5. They are excited or happy

When something great happens, it can provoke a scream from those who are most excited. The best thing that can happen is to see a famous person you’re a fan of, hear good news about your family, or get a promotion at work. They could even be less important events, like receiving a gift that they are excited about or receiving an exciting phone call.

People can also scream when they are intensely cheerful. When someone is extremely happy, their emotions build up until they feel like they need to drop everything. Seeing a friend or loved one that you haven’t seen in a while is a situation that often leads to this kind of happiness and joy.

This is how their facial expressions reveal their true feelings.

6. They feel useless

If someone feels that no one is listening to them, they may feel worthless. The person may also feel useless in disturbing situations if there is nothing they can do to improve it. Feeling like they don’t have a purpose can lead to even more upsetting feelings.

When someone is going through something traumatic, they often want to keep busy and help out. Even small tasks can make them feel like they are doing something to help. Unfortunately, sometimes there aren’t even those tasks to do.

Over time, your negative feelings will come to light, and sometimes that means yelling. With all the intense emotions you are already feeling, feeling worthless is too much to handle.

Different types of screaming and the feelings it reveals

Since there are different reasons why people yell, there are likely to be different types of yelling as well. The emotion that is conveyed in each scream is evident depending on the type of scream it is. Something must trigger the outcry, and the feeling evoked will depend on what the trigger is.

Yelling is a way that humans communicate and is an attempt to let other people know how they feel. There are two categories of screams, and the types are divided into alarming and non-alarming screams.

Alarm bells

The types of alarms include:

Shouts of alarm are a sign of potential danger or a negative situation. They can be used when people are fighting, scared, angry, or physically injured. Screams of alarm are something humans share with most animals, while most non-alarm cries are unique to humans.

This type of scream was better understood a long time ago, while screams without alarm were less well known. Now, more research has revealed information on non-red flags.

Non-alarm signals

Non-alarm communication types include:

The brain responds faster to non-alarming screams that signify positivity and joy. Shouts of joy are often a form of socializing and seem to spread from one person to another. If one person is yelling, others are likely to join in as well.

You will notice this situation at music concerts or sporting events. When fans are present and everyone is excited about the event, the screaming will be seemingly contagious. It is a great way to make social connections and strengthen bonds, as it is a very emotional experience.

In the past, people thought that humans only screamed when they needed help or were afraid. It was considered a defense mechanism, but things have changed. Now, we know that non-alarming screams are more common than terrifying screams and have taken precedence.

Non-alarm communications that take precedence have to do with a change in the environment. Humans do not usually have the threats that animals that live in the wild have. They often do not need to scream out of fear of impending danger.

Since humans don’t have to worry so much about it, they focus on positive screaming like joy and pleasure. People focus on the emotion it carries and the social interactions it inspires.

Joy and pleasure are joyful cries that are not for alarm, but pain is a desperate cry that is not for alarm. However, people still react more quickly and efficiently to pain than to shouts of alarm.

Final thoughts on the reasons people yell and the feelings they reveal

Yelling is unique and interesting and luckily research can now help explain it. Scientists Now learn why people raise their voices in this way and what it means. In addition, they have described the feelings that the scream reveals.

The next time you hear a scream, try to figure out what type it was. Remember that your mind reacts more quickly to shouts that are not alarm bells, but shouts of alarm are the ones to pay the most attention to.

Another fun thing you can do is watch the crowd at the next sporting event or concert you attend. Once a person screams, those around them likely will, too. Once you understand why people yell, you will start to notice all the little things about it.


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