
Makeup Brushes Pro Artists Use the Most — Reviews

There are several factors that go into what allows makeup artists to do truly phenomenal work. First is talent — the creativity, instinct, and skill that separates them from the everyday, amateur makeup applier. Then, of course, is the makeup itself; eye shadow, blush, lipstick, liner, and other color cosmetics are arguably the most essential element of a makeup artist’s work. But having the right tools with which to apply them — and the expertise to use those tools correctly — can make the difference between a nice makeup look and an incredible one.

Just like makeup artists try countless shades and formulas to find the ones they like working with the most, they also test out tons of makeup brushes. And while many of us may consider our tool kit complete with a blush brush, a couple of eye-shadow brushes, and a trusty finger or two, makeup artists have fluffy-headed magic wands for every imaginable area of the face and every conceivable application technique.

Asking a makeup artist to choose their favorite makeup brush is like asking a parent to choose their favorite child — but we asked anyway. Below, you’ll find the makeup brushes some of the top makeup artists use more than anything else in their kits; the ones they replace over and over, the ones they have multiple backups for, the ones that they would recommend to fellow makeup artists and makeup newbies alike. Next time you’re ready to upgrade the way you apply foundation, highlighter, concealer, and more, the perfect picks are right here.

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