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Abandoned Airport Turned into Sensory Experience Park Providing Green Refuge in Crowded Taiwan City


Phase changes-park-mosbach-paysagistes-landscape-architecture-taiwan released
Mosbach Landscapers

An abandoned airport in Taiwan has been chosen as the setting for an exciting landscape architecture project, combining green spaces with sensory experiences to create a haven in one of the largest and busiest cities on the island.

The Phase Shift Park in Taichung will include 200 different plant species and 10,000 trees to protect residents from moisture, but the real spectacle will be 12 cityscape installations, corresponding to the philosopher Rudolf’s ‘Principle of the 12 senses’. Steiner.

Taichung’s air isn’t that bad, as most neighborhoods are labeled “good” on the World Air Quality Index, yet they lie just below the Tropic of Cancer, and heated by the Kuro-ShioOne of the largest ocean currents on Earth, hot, humid, sticky air can be suffocating in summer, trapping water vapor and toxic particles from car exhaust close to the ground.

The trees were chosen to offer maximum shade and are built along winding lanes that go from north to south, and through unique installations that play with the senses of speech, taste, hearing, balance, thought, Steiner’s vision, movement, ego, touch and warmth. , smell and life.

As you pass through the park, there is a lake specifically designed to create realistic echoes and a field of specifically grown flowers to envelop you in an intoxicating curtain of perfumes.

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Designed by the French architecture studio Mosbach Landscapers, the topography was carefully designed to maximize water permeability during the monsoon rainy season. Beneath the ground lies complex irrigation and flood control measures which will ideally allow the rains to replenish the trees throughout the year.

The sound of dragonflies’ wings drives away mosquitoes, Mosbach Paysagistes

Concept art and preliminary images show a futuristic landscape rather than a natural oasis.

Humidifiers inside the park, Mosbach Paysagistes

It will do both to bring tourists to the city and to offer shelter, fresh air and a play space for local residents.

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Steiner believed that the world was essentially an indivisible entity, and that it is our consciousness that divides it into divided realms of sensory experience.

Solar panels power air purification technology within the park, Mosbach Paysagistes

It is a fascinating guide to experience something like a park, and speaks to the breadth of our potential to connect with nature even in a place as dense as the urban center of Taichung.

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