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25 Ways to Tell If Someone Special is Paying Attention to You


It is not always easy to know if someone special is paying attention to you and is interested in more than friendship. If only life were as short and dry as internet dating, where you can hide behind a screen and pour out your heart.

In the real world, you must rely on subtle clues from body language.

You are at a social gathering and an interesting person comes up and comments on your hair. Could they be flirting with you or do they just like your hair? It’s hard to tell the difference between someone being a lovely human being or giving you much-needed attention.

25 ways to tell if someone is paying attention to you

If you are unlucky in love or do not have much experience in the field, you may not know if someone likes you. You certainly don’t want to make a fool of yourself, so it’s best to search for these subtle clues before saying or doing anything. If you’re flattered by their progress, you can flirt with them as it helps them know if you’re interested.

However, if you are not attracted to them, you can ignore them and move on. Watch for the following signs.

1. Ask a lot of questions

They seem like a talkative one who has more questions than a five-year-old. They want to know more about you and are trying to find information. Be careful, it could be a narcissistic person I just want to be okay with you, but I could also be the person you’ve been waiting for.

2. Body contact

Has this person accidentally brushed you? Did they pass you more times than necessary to be able to touch you? Oh, they won’t do this on purpose yet, but they are eager to feel your smooth skin or smell your fragrance.

3. Dilated pupils

It may seem strange that you look close enough to see someone’s pupils, but did you know that your pupils dilate when the brain likes what it sees? Who knew that body language could be stimulated and act like a brain command?

4. Full of compliments

You can ignore a compliment or two for just being nice, but when this person seems to constantly be talking about how wonderful you are and you look, then it’s a great sign. This person is paying attention to you and wants you to reciprocate.

5. His eyes meet yours

When you think someone is attractive, your eyes can’t help but wander towards that person. Your subconscious brain can do this without you realizing it. If someone can’t take their eyes off you, it’s a sign that they like what they see.

6. Gestures of affection

Did they open the door for you, bring you a drink, or take out a chair? Small gestures of affection it can go a long way. This person wants you to see their good manners and is interested in you.

7. Licking lips

Well, this is one of the most obvious gestures, but if someone is paying attention to you and they like what they see, they may lick their lips. Again, they are probably not doing this for a show or to get attention, but their brain is making them do subconscious movements because it likes what it sees.

8. Nervous and nervous

If someone is in love with you, then it is normal for them to get nervous or nervous in your presence. They can talk at a fast pace, put their hands in their pockets, or go through their purse.

It is also not uncommon for them to play with their cell phone and act like they have important business to attend to. The truth is that their hearts are pounding and they don’t know how to control it.

9. They want your digits

If someone asks for your phone number, it’s a good indication that they like you. Now, you may not be ready to hit those numbers just yet, so this bold move might catch you off guard.

10. Social media stalker

If you just met this person and they start following you on social media, then it is a sign that they are paying attention to you. Now if they start commenting on all your pictures and posts then it is the most significant sign you will get that they are squashing badly. They are begging you to notice them.

11. Make plans

What if this person starts making plans and includes you in them? Well, if they see you in the future, they might have no problem being a bit presumptuous and including you in some activities.

12. Coffee Date

Did they ever ask you if you would like to have coffee or drinks? They may be interested in having a good conversation, but chances are they like you more than drinks.

13. Share future goals

Whether you know this person or not, someone who begins to tell you all of their hopes and dreams is suspicious. They probably want to see if their futures can line up. Go ahead and give them some bait and see how far they drag your line. Remember, there are a lot of fish in the sea and you might be about to catch a big one.

14. Holding on to every word

It doesn’t matter if there are 100 people in the room. When you speak, this person is all ears. They laugh at your jokes, even if they aren’t that funny. This person is interested in what you have to say.

15. The 411 in your past

So every time a person is interested in their past relationships, it’s probably because they want to see what their future is like. They want to know if you are more of a dating person or looking to settle down.

16. Kindness is the key

Everyone should be nice, but this person seems to go out of their way to be nice to you. They want you to know how sweet and nice and charming they are.

17. Honesty

If someone starts telling you about their love life, their triumphs and devastations, it is because they want you to meet them. They trust you and cross a privacy line to see how you react.

18. Friendly with your friends

This person not only seems friendly to you, but also wants to meet your friends. If they seem genuinely interested in connecting with your group, then they are striving to win your love.

19. All smiles

They can’t help it; every time they look at you, they are beaming. There’s something about you that they can’t help but smile because they like what they see.

20. Good impressions

No matter where they come across, they always try to make a good impression. They want you to know that he is an enterprising person that you cannot live without.

21. Toe trends

The next time you are around this person, watch where their toes are pointing. Their toes can be pointed directly at you if you have their attention. An article in Cosmopolitan About body language, he states that the toes point in the direction the heart wants to go.

22. Your opinion is important

If someone asks for your opinion on important things, then trust yourself. If they ask for your opinion on future or important purchases, you may be interested.

23. Mirroring your movements

If a person is engrossed in your conversation, they may be mirroring your movements. If you cross your arms, they will cross your arms. Also, they aren’t doing this on purpose, but they are so interested in you that they can’t help it.

24. Introduction to your friends

If someone is paying attention to you and they like what they see, they probably want to introduce you to their friends. Now if they are with their family and they want to introduce you, then they have it bad for you.

25. Adjust your gait

It is never romantic when someone gets ahead of you or your friends. When someone is interested and you are walking, they will match their door with yours. They don’t want to risk losing a word you say.

Final thoughts on how to discern when someone is paying attention to you

If there are so many fish in the sea, why does it have to be a challenge to find the right one? Why do people always tend to hold on to sharks who do not want to do anything other than cause destruction? Unfortunately, there are great people out there, but you need to be open and receptive to their progress.

When you like a person and you think they might want you to like them, make your move. Since you’ve noticed that they are paying attention to you, show them some attention in return. What can hurt anyway?


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