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Compassionate Cops Replace a Beloved Tractor For 4-Year-old After it’s Stolen—WATCH



This is the poignant moment when a group of police officers surprise a boy with a small tractor after thieves stole his favorite toy.

4-year-old Gerald Philbrook was delighted when big-hearted cops gave him a new John Deere replica.

Police jumped into action after Patrol Sergeant Andrew Brooks read Gerald’s father’s Facebook post explaining how his beloved tractor had been stolen.

Peter Philbrook wrote in the post how he and Gerald found the toy and bonded while it was being repaired, so the tractor had great sentimental value.

After an unsuccessful search effort, Sergeant Brooks, with the help of a local Wal-Mart and the Tempe Officers Association, purchased the toy for Gerald.

Brooks was so overwhelmed with excitement when it finally came time to give Gerald the new tractor, that he began to cry.

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Once he recovered, Brooks presented Gerald with a custom license plate for his tractor, as well as a peace sign decal on the bumper.

Upon receiving his special gift, Gerald replied, “This is really cooler than the other one!”

(LOOK the video about this story below).

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