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7 Ways To Break Free From Emotional Captivity (And How To Prevent It)


Have you ever felt trapped in your own mind? Do you often feel that your emotions control you and not the other way around? It’s a scary and suffocating situation, but you don’t need to be defined.

Being trapped in mental chains can be overwhelming, as you have to free yourself from bonds that you cannot see. But don’t worry – it can be done! Here are 7 ways to break free from emotional bondage and how to prevent it at the same time.

1. Unleash cognitive fusion

Cognitive fusion refers to a concept by which you “fuse” with certain thoughts. This means that you start to feel like you are your thoughts, which prevents you from distancing yourself from the negative things that enter your mind. This can alter your sense of self and lead to a decrease positive thinking, worsening of the symptoms of mental disorder and captivity in their emotions.

Emotions can come from anywhere, but they shouldn’t define you. When things go wrong, you need to make sure you see your thoughts as separate from you. Avoid saying things like:

  • I blew it all!
  • I’m a failure!
  • I am such a horrible person!

These types of statements fuse your sense of self with what you feel, even when what you feel is not a true reflection of who you are. It is a dangerous form of emotional captivity. Instead of using these sentences, try instead:

  • Wow, that was very embarrassing; You better learn from this!
  • I made a mistake, but I am able to fix it!
  • I am a good person, so I will apologize for what I did!

2. Observe your patterns

Emotional captivity involves a series of cycles. It means getting caught in the same situations over and over again, often without realizing that they are recurring. If you tend to always find yourself in specific situations even though everything else around you has changed, it’s time to look inward and see what your problems are. Pay particular attention if he usually says:

  • Why do I never get a chance to …
  • This always happens!
  • Everybody always treats me like this.
  • No one ever leaves me …
  • I keep hurting myself all the time!

If your complaints today are the same as you’ve had for years, take a break. Look at yourself carefully. Why do these problems continually occur to you, even when the people in your life are different and you are physically in a different place?

It hurts to recognize that it may be part of your own problems. But even when your own role is one in which you are not fully responsible for your situation, remember: these things are cycles. If you find yourself in a cycle, it’s time to think about how to get out.

3. Be kind to yourself

Self pity it is something that is often overlooked. People talk about self-care, but they don’t realize that being kind to yourself is more than that.

When you are trapped in emotional captivity, you may find that you simply cannot be kind to yourself, no matter what you do. You talk to yourself, you don’t relax, your expectations are high, and you forget that you are a human being who makes mistakes.

Being kind to yourself is one of the most important parts of breaking the mental chains that hold you back, and the science backs it up. Here’s how self-pity can help you break free from your emotional bondage:

Greater happiness

When you are kind to yourself, you are more likely to experience a positive mood, better happiness characteristics, and even improved optimism. This includes enhancing your personal initiative, courage in curiosity, and even your wisdom!

Greater resilience

Emotional captivity worsens when faced with adversity, which can further trap you in its clutches. Being compassionate to yourself can help you face your obstacles head-on, depending on investigate, which often results in faster emotional recovery from difficult events.

Better body image

For many, body image issues play a huge role in emotional captivity. Self-compassion can help reduce feelings of body shame and help the development of more positive views of your body. This can include appreciating your body more, being less obsessed with appearance, and being less concerned about weight.

Reduction of psychological distress

Anxiety, depression, and even stress can add to the tension of emotional captivity. But studies show that being kind to yourself can reduce the severity of the symptoms of these mental health problems.

Motivation driven

Freeing yourself from emotional captivity requires a desire to change and motivation to improve, and being kind to yourself can help improve that! Research has found that positive thinking That comes from self-pity can help people feel more motivated after experiencing failure.

Better self-esteem

There are many factors that go into healthy self-esteem, but one of those factors is self-compassion. Studies They have found that being kind to yourself can help you stay positive about yourself, even when you are directly faced with evidence of perceived imperfection or inadequacy.

While high self-esteem often depends on external circumstances and social comparisons, self-pity comes from within. A 2011 study published in the Journal of Personality Psychology Compass reports that self-compassion allows you to continue to feel good despite instances of failure, perceived inadequacy, and imperfection.

4. Limit negative thoughts

Have you heard of the concept of positive affirmationYes? The science behind them suggests that the more you tell yourself good things, the more you internalize and manifest that good in your life. It turns out that the same concept applies to bad things as well.

It’s easy to get caught up in negative thought cycles and it’s much harder than it seems to get out of them. But research indicates that these types of cycles can result in negative outcomes for your physical and mental health, suggesting that positive thinking you can do the opposite of that.

In other words, emotional captivity can be self-imposed and it can also be self-fulfilling. Getting emotionally caught up in repeatedly thinking only the worst thoughts can make those thoughts come true. Scary things! This is why you need to limit your negative thoughts to free yourself from their downward spiral full of traps.

5. Separate in the right way

You shouldn’t separate yourself from your emotions, your truth, or your goals in life, but there are some things you should separate yourself from. Emotional captivity can often be further enclosed when certain unimportant factors are given too much importance. The problem is, these unimportant factors can seem tremendously important at first. Here are some things to detach from if you want to disconnect your mental chains:

What others think

People will always have something to say, no matter what you do. Determine the opinions that really matter to you and start caring only about them. And, even with those special and lucky people, make sure you never consider their opinions more crucial than your own. It’s great to get feedback and learn from it, but you shouldn’t be controlled by others and their thoughts about you!

· Material things

It’s hard to deny that having nice things is fun, but in the long run they don’t mean anything. However, this does not mean that you should commit to a minimalist lifestyle! It simply means finding a balance between the things you own externally and what really matters, which is what you have inside of you.

· Fear

Fear is part of life and you cannot eradicate fear from your journey, but you can learn to detach from it. Remember, courage is not the absence of fear: it is about learning to find strength even when you are afraid. Understanding that fear shouldn’t control you is a powerful way to set yourself free.


Resentment and grudges it can build you up and tie you to an ancient trauma. You don’t have to externally forgive someone to detach yourself from resentment. Just decide that these people are in the past and that your energy is best spent on future endeavors, not on them. You deserve more than those who hurt you to hold you back.

6. Let yourself cry

Some people liken crying to weakness, but that is not at all. When you really cry, especially when you cry with all your heart and release your emotions, you are leaving stress and pain behind. Is a positive, self-reassuring behavior, and can lead to a better mood afterward.

Sometimes you just need a good cry, and there is no shame in that. Emotional captivity can be caused by holding back all your feelings. Simply sobbing as much as you need to can be enough to help you feel better, and it’s a powerful first step out of your mental shackles.

7. Take responsibility

Being responsible can be the most important step in breaking free from emotional bondage. Realizing that your trap is in your hands and that it is your responsibility to escape is difficult, but it is also necessary. Once you realize that the power is in you, you can only move on. Here are some ways to take responsibility for the act of breaking free from emotional bondage:

Stop blaming others

Circumstances, people, and situations in life can always cause some struggle in your life. But at the end of the day, you decide how you react to these situations. You can make the most of them, learn from them, and find ways to get out, or you can just sit there and wallow. If you roll over for months or years, that’s up to you!

· Learn from mistakes

Every mistake comes with lessons to learn. So learn them. Rather than letting mistakes take you further, acknowledge your part in those mistakes and learn how to prevent or avoid them in the future.

Be aware of your emotions

Get caught up in your emotions it’s not fun, but you can learn to stop this pattern. When you feel those negative emotions, learn to quickly recognize them, identify what triggered them, and find a way to resolve or manage those feelings in a healthy way.

Choose differently

As we’ve mentioned several times, emotional captivity is about cycles. So the next time you are in a cycle, choose not to continue it. Choose to do something different. Choose to learn, grow, and deviate from the beaten path. Only you can make that decision, so take responsibility!

Final thoughts on some ways to break free from emotional captivity

Emotional captivity is a horrible prison, but one from which you can break free. On your journey to freeing yourself from these chains, you will find your strength and power, and that in itself is a beautiful thing!


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