
Dove Collaborates With Black-Owned Brand Brother Vellies for New Hair-Care Collection | Interview

Allure: How do you use these products? I know I have my satin pillowcase, and I’ll put on my bonnet. And sometimes because my hair is short, I might have a durag, a satin pillowcase, and my bonnet on for extra protection. Do you ever use these products together?

James: Yeah, absolutely. I just had a shower last night and did a whole hair treatment with the scalp products and the dry treatment. I like to put my hair up oftentimes in a scrunchie and also sleep on the satin pillowcase, so I kind of do a combo of both.

Allure: Obviously, you can wear the headscarf to bed — would you also encourage people to wear it outside, or do you see it as something more for the home?

James: No, they can totally wear it outside. I tie it onto my Lijadu Billfold bag and have it with me at all times.

Allure: And of the three, do you have a favorite?

James: It’s hard to choose favorites, but maybe the pillowcase because I truly, really rely so much on having a silk pillowcase. It’s a really big thing for me in terms of breakage.

Allure: You said hair and skin have been a big focus for you, especially during this pandemic, so what’s your everyday skin-care routine?

James: Well, I’m big on drinking 800 milliliters of water every morning. That’s part of my routine. I have this giant cup that I fill up with water. I chug that every morning as soon as I wake up. It’s a great way to get your skin and body the hydration that it really needs. 

Allure: Are there any topical skin-care products that you like?

James: Yeah, I use a lot of Dr. Barbara Sturm Face Cream, and then I also use Vintner’s Daughter Botanical Serum as well, which I enjoy. And then Dior has this vitamin C serum that I love, too. 

Allure: Any self-care tips?

James: Listen, I’ve been trying to take extra care with the things that I bring into my home, and I think that, because we’ve all been spending so much time at home, it’s more important than ever that we cherish everything we allow in our spaces and know where those products came from, who made them, and how those people were being treated. 

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