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6 Habits That Make it Easier to Recover from Depression and Addiction


You have taken your first steps to recover from depression and addiction. She has made incredible progress in improving and overcoming her substance abuse and mental disorders. But now what

Maintaining progress and avoiding relapse is critical to ensuring that your addiction recovery runs smoothly. It may seem scary at first, but you can learn methods to control your cravings. Here are 6 habits that make recovery from depression and addiction easier.

1. Eat a balanced diet to recover from depression and addiction

Your body needs a positive diet to stay healthy. Without the proper nutrients, you will not be able to enjoy optimal physical and mental health, and it will be more difficult for you to meet your goals as your body craves anything that can make you feel better.

In general, a diet that can help fight addiction and depression relapse may include:

  • Whole grains
  • Lean protein
  • Fish
  • Fresh vegetables
  • Fresh fruits
  • Omega-3 fatty acids
  • Healthy oils (like olive oil)
  • Soy products
  • Green Tea

It may also involve avoiding and reducing consumption of:

  • Red meat
  • Pre-made baked goods
  • Foods high in sugar
  • Trans fatty foods
  • Processed foods
  • soda

Here are some additional tips when it comes to your diet to keep in mind to make it easier to recover from depression and addiction:

Avoid foods high in bad fats

High-fat foods can release stress hormones, which can make depression worse and increase cravings for addictive substances. Worse yet, unhealthy and harmful fats can increase the risk of obesity, which has the same adverse effects, according to studies.

· Restrict alcohol consumption

Even if alcohol abuse wasn’t your personal battle with addiction, that doesn’t mean you should have more. Limiting your alcohol intake can reduce your risk of slipping into periods of depression. Additionally, alcohol use can lead to a relapse into addiction or a change in addiction to alcohol, depending studies. Do you feel pressured to drink? Order snacks at happy hour, order a dark juice like cranberry juice that others find alcoholic, and actively attend events and plan meetings where alcohol is not involved.

Work to improve your diet

Going through your entire eating and drinking style can take a while and can be overwhelming, but be sure to try! Research has shown that positive thinking It can be improved with virtually any improvement in what you eat.

2. Maintain healthy and positive relationships

Addiction consumes your life and dictates the people you spend time with. Now that you are on the mend, you’ve likely noticed that your relationships may not be incredibly healthy. The continued existence of toxic patterns in your relationships can contribute to the risk of relapse and impair your ability to perform. positive thinking. Here are some tips for maintaining better relationships as you recover:

Seek support from loved ones

You do not need to go on your journey alone. An active social life full of positive people is critical to recovery of all kinds, including addiction and depression. People you care about and trust will provide the love, support, and compassion that can help you recover. Talk to them about your struggles, set healthy boundaries with them as you recover, and enjoy the uplifting feeling of being around those who matter.

Avoid enablers

Enablers refer to people who enable your addiction. They can be of the obvious type, like people who are also addicted or who use the substances that you are recovering from addiction to. But they can also be people closer to you than that: people who encourage you to “drink a little” of alcohol because they fundamentally do not understand how addiction works, or people who offer you those substances when they see that you have problems. Be aware of the people who enable and encourage your destructive habits and stay away from them.

Avoid codependency

Codependent relationships They are, sadly, a type of generalized relationship among those who have substance abuse problems. They denote a situation in which one person in a relationship is a “caretaker” for the other. In most cases, those struggling with addictions often unknowingly take advantage of the “caregiver” relationship. The “caregiver” may even feel compelled to allow you to continue your addictive habits. It can be painful and difficult to realize that your actions have led to the formation of something toxic. Still, you can learn to be aware of the warning signs of codependency so that you can have more positive relationships in the future.

Eliminate toxic people

The toxic people in your life are those who make you feel and think negatively about yourself. These people can make you tempted to slip back into addiction, or at least spoil your mood. If this toxicity surrounds you, it is likely that you yourself will become harmful and toxic, causing a relapse. Negative social experiences have been shown to lead to a worsening of depression, according to research.

Join support groups

If you don’t have many people to turn to or if you don’t feel comfortable reaching out to the people in your life for support, you can join a support group for recovering addicts. It’s a great way to make sober friends who understand exactly what you are going through, and can help each other overcome your difficulties and continue on the road to recovery.

3. Maintain your finances while recovering from depression and addiction

If you have been dealing with addiction for a long period of time, your financial situation is probably not the best. It is not uncommon for people with a substance use disorder to:

  • Skip for jobs
  • They struggle to keep a job they get
  • Has trouble meeting responsibilities
  • Manage money poorly

Unfortunately, the inability to maintain employment and the lack of sufficient financial resources are important and frequent triggers for those recovering from addiction, according to studies. As such, gathering your money affairs and learning how to manage them well will be crucial in your recovery.

Small steps are often needed in getting better with money. A professional advisor and / or vocational rehabilitation counselor will be able to help you, if you have access to one, by:

  • Assist in locating jobs for which you have the experience and skill
  • Revive your Curriculum Vitae or resume to make it attractive to hiring managers
  • Help you practice the skills you need for job interviews.

Once you have access to a steady stream of income, it’s a good idea to start budgeting and keeping track of your expenses, savings, and more. This will serve as a preventive measure against stress, depression, and other things that could trigger a relapse.

Toxic parents can cause these twelve problems for their children.

4. Track triggers and warnings

Not many people talk about how different their life is when they are in recovery. Suddenly, you must be aware of all sorts of things that can lead to relapse, low mood, stress, and cravings for addictive substances.

Common triggers for those in recovery include:

  • Emotional stress
  • Stress
  • Relationship problems
  • Lack of sleep
  • People who abuse substances
  • People who use substances, even consciously.
  • Exposure to certain media
  • Environmental signs
  • Things that remind you of negative events.
  • Things that remind you of your addiction
  • Financial difficulties

Identifying the most dangerous triggers for you will help you plan against them, learn to manage them, and be more resilient to them when they are unavoidable. It won’t completely eradicate all triggers, but you can limit them and be prepared for their effect on you.

You also need to keep track of the warning signs of an impending relapse.

This will allow you to be aware when heading into a downward spiral and get out on time. Most relapses start long before you start abusing substances again. They start with an emotional relapse, then a mental one, and finally a physical one. Research List these warning signs of addiction relapse:

  • Engaging in self-destructive actions or compulsive behavior
  • Behaving in less responsible ways
  • Going back to the thought patterns you used when you were addicted.
  • Think of substance use as a rational means of escaping emotions or situations.
  • Find people, places, and situations that involve substance use.

So what can you do to reduce the impact a trigger can have on you?

You can:

  • Join Support groups
  • Seek professional therapy or help.
  • Call for assistance when warning signs arise
  • Prepare in advance for the inevitable triggers.
  • Ask a trusted friend to check it out.

5. Get enough sleep

Insomnia is strongly related to depression, stress, and addictive relapse. Even at a normal level, tiredness can decrease positive thinkingSo it’s no wonder this can affect you more severely when you’re trying to recover.

Not sure how to get more sleep? Do you have trouble resting?

Here are some tips to improve sleep naturally that are friendly to recovering addicts:

  • Maintain a quiet and dark environment in your bedroom
  • Try to use comfortable bedding and a comfortable mattress.
  • Keep the temperature cool and comfortable for you.
  • Exercise, preferably before noon, regularly.
  • Maintain regular sleep and wake times every day, including holidays and weekdays
  • Eat healthy during the day.
  • Do not drink too much water before bed to avoid having to go to the bathroom.
  • Avoid caffeine heavy meals and alcohol around bedtime.
  • Limit exposure to light and device before bedtime
  • Remove electronic devices from your bedroom when it is time to sleep.
  • Do breathing or meditation exercises at night.
  • If you can’t sleep after 20 minutes, get up and find something to distract yourself or occupy your time, then come back to try to sleep again.

6. Receive treatment

Professional help is essential to recover from depression and addiction. If you were part of a rehab program, you probably have a treatment plan that you need to follow. Keep it and stick with it, and you will have positive results in the end.

This can involve:

  • Visit your therapist regularly for check-ups.
  • Use any medicine prescribed by a professional in a healthy way
  • Internalize and put into practice the recommended coping mechanisms and strategies

Do you think you need more help beyond your treatment plan? You can find another therapist for psychotherapy or other similar forms of therapy to help you overcome problems that affect your progress.

Final thoughts on some habits that help you recover from depression and addiction

Recovery can be scary and overwhelming, but it’s something you’re strong enough to handle. Try incorporating these six habits into your life and it will be easier for you to combat relapses. You are strong and capable, and you can beat your addiction!


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