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20 Short Quotes on Strength from Within


Being strong is not just a physical characteristic, as these quotes about strength will explain. Inner strength comes from within and has nothing to do with how much you can physically carry.

With the strength within you, you will discover that you can do anything you set your mind to. You will be able to overcome any obstacle or difficulty, and you will also find success in life.

As these quotes about strength will remind you, seeking strength from within is what will help you in life. The force is always there, you just have to remember to always look for it.

Twenty quotes about strength from within

As you tap into your inner strength, you will only grow stronger and better equipped to handle whatever comes your way.

1. “I always looked for strength and confidence outside of myself, but it comes from within. It’s there all the time. “- Anna Freud

You won’t find true strength on the outside. Instead, you have to look inward when you need to be strong. Your strength is always there, but you have to know where to look for it.

2. “Nothing can dim the light that shines from within.” – Maya Angelou

If you have inner strength, nothing can take that away from you. Let your strength guide you and nothing can stop you.

3. “Through meditation we develop that force within us, so we automatically begin to solve the problem.” – Nirmala Srivastava

You have to take the time to reflect and think about what is inside of you. When you take this quiet time, you are well on your way to overcoming the problem. This is when you will see what really needs to happen and what you need to do to achieve it.

4. “You don’t know your own strength if you haven’t faced adversity.” – Ben Jonson

When you go through difficult times, you will see how strong you are. You can go through anything and your strength will shine when you need it.

5. “You have power over your mind, not over external events. Realize this and you will find strength. “- Marco Aurelio

You cannot control what happens in the world around you, but you can control your mind. When you can change your thoughts from the negatives to the positives, you will realize your inner strength. You can control your thoughts and the moment you do, you will see what you are capable of overcoming.

6. “Physical strength is measured by what we wear. Inner strength is measured by what we can bear. “- Unknown

Being able to carry heavy things in daily life says nothing about what you can bear internally. What you can endure internally is what determines your inner strength. Think about everything you’ve been through so far and everything you’ve endured, and you will remember how strong you are.

7. “Adversity gives the opportunity to discover inner strength. Inner strength is derived from self-confidence and indomitable will. “- Anil Sinha

Do not fear difficulties or give up when obstacles are placed in your life. This is when you can show how strong you are. Use tough times as an opportunity for growth and self-discovery as you harness your inner strength to get ahead.

8. “We acquire the strength that we have overcome.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Every time you overcome a difficulty, you will get stronger. As Emerson explain, mentally you get all the things you have overcome and they build your inner strength.

9. “It is worth remembering that the time of greatest gain in terms of wisdom and inner strength is often the time of greatest difficulty.” – Dalai Lama

The harder the obstacle, the more strength you will gain. Through difficulties, you will become wiser and stronger. Without those opportunities, he would never see how strong he is and could never get stronger.

10. “Take a good look at yourself, there is a source of strength that will always arise if you always look there.” – Marcus Aurelius

As you look within, you will find the strength you need to overcome anything. No matter the situation, the force is always there if you seek it.

11. “In solitude the mind is strengthened and learns to support itself.” – Laurence Sterne

Enjoy the moments when you are alone and allow yourself to look within. Reflect on who you are and who you want to be, and draw strength from that. Learn to appreciate who you are and always lean on yourself.

12. “The turning point in the growth process is when you discover that the core of strength within you survives all pain.” – Max Lerner

No matter how much it hurts, you can survive and get over it. You are strong enough to withstand whatever life throws at you. When you realize this, you will know that you have really grown.

13. “Few men during their life come close to exhausting the resources that reside in them. There are deep wells of force that are never used. “- Richard E. Byrd

There is more force within you than you can imagine. No matter how difficult life becomes, you are strong enough to carry on and your strength will not run out. It is unlimited, as long as you know how to look within.

14. “The task ahead is never greater than the force within you.” – Unknown

You can achieve anything and you must not allow anything you are facing to stop you. The strength you have inside is more than enough to overcome any task. Keep moving forward and using that inner strength to achieve your goals.

15. “We live in a time of uncertainty, anxiety, fear and despair. It is essential that you realize the light, power and strength within each of you, and that you learn to use those inner resources in the service of your growth and that of others. “- Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

Life is never perfect and there will always be uncertain moments. You will feel anxious, fearful and sad at times, but you are strong enough to overcome it. Acknowledge the power you have over your mind and let that inner strength shine through as you grow and help others.

16. “People who are lucky enough to find their inner strength find that it gives them direction, purpose and fulfillment in life.” – John Cong Nguyen

When you realize how strong you are inside, you will know that you can do anything. You will determine which direction you want to take in life and it will give you purpose. As you work toward that goal, you will also find satisfaction, as Nguyen explains.

17. “Go inside every day and find the inner strength so that the world does not blow out your candle.” – Katherine Dunham

Do your best every day and show the world who you really are. Don’t let anything put out your flame or put out your fire.

Some days this will be easier than others. On the hardest days, go inside, like Dunham Suggest, and find your inner strength.

18. “She was powerful, not because she wasn’t afraid, but because she kept going so hard, despite the fear.” – Attic

There will be times in your life when you are afraid of what is coming or how you have to get to the next point. That is normal and only the powerful can overcome that fear. The ones who can overcome it are the ones who look inward and find their inner strength.

19. “Your inner strength is your outer foundation.” – Allan Rufus

Without inner strength, it will be difficult to develop the person you are. Everything you are and hope to be is based on how strong you are inside. Make sure you look inward and allow your inner strength to work for you.

20. “You really have to look within yourself and find your own inner strength and say, ‘I’m proud of who I am and who I am.’” – Mariah Carey

Stop being hard on yourself and instead appreciate who you are and what you have done. You can do this by looking inward and finding your strength. When you realize how strong you are, you will really appreciate the person that you are.

Final thoughts on short quotes about strength from within

Everyone has inner strength, as these quotes about strength explain. You just have to look inward to see how strong you really are, and then you can do anything. It has nothing to do with how much you can carry physically, but only how much you can bear emotionally.

With inner strength comes endurance, direction, and purpose in life. Also, the strength from within will help you get through all the difficult times that you will inevitably go through. When times get tough, remember these quotes about strength from within and they will help you through.


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