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This Week’s Inspiring Horoscopes From Rob Brezsny’s ‘Free Will Astrology’


We’ve partnered with our friend Rob Brezsny to bring his weekly wisdom that can enlighten your thinking and motivate your mood. Rob’s Free Will Astrology, is a weekly syndicated column that appears in over a hundred publications. He is also the author of Pronoia is the antidote to paranoia: how all of creation is conspiring to shower you with blessings. (A free preview of the book is available here.)

Here’s your weekly horoscope …

FREE WILL ASTROLOGY – Week beginning December 31, 2020
Copyright by Rob Brezsny,

CAPRICORN (from December 22 to January 19):
The odds of winning a mega lottery can be compared to this scenario: you know that a certain hedgehog will sneeze only once in the next six years, and you make a big bet that this sneeze will occur at exactly 36 seconds of 12:05 p.m. on next January 20. In other words, your chances of winning the lottery are very small. But while this analysis is generally true, it may not be fully applicable to you in 2021. The chances that you will choose the precise time for your hedgehog sneeze will be higher than usual. More realistically and importantly, your chances of generating positive financial luck through hard work and foresight will be much higher than usual.

AQUARIUS (from January 20 to February 18):
Author Anais Nin was highly adaptable, eager to keep growing, and responsive when life pushed her to put the past behind her and expand her understanding. At the same time, she was clear about what she wanted and was determined to get what she wanted. His complex attitude is summarized in the following quote: “If you limit your options only to what seems possible or reasonable, you disconnect from what you really want and all that is left is a compromise.” I hope you’ll listen to her advice during 2021. (Here’s another quote from Nin: “If I hadn’t created my whole world, I certainly would have died in other people’s”).

PISCES (from February 19 to March 20):
In 2013, workers at a garment factory in Gazipur, Bangladesh, staged a massive protest. Did they demand a raise or better health benefits? Were they pushing for air conditioning or longer lunch breaks? None of the above. In fact, they had only one urgent stipulation: to dispel the ghost that haunted the factory. I have a similar plea for you in 2021, Pisces. I ask that you exorcise each and every ghost that has been preventing you from welcoming and fully embracing the future. These ghosts may be purely metaphorical in nature, but you still have to be energetic to banish them.

ARIES (March 21 to April 19):
The author Jorge Luis Borges (1899-1986) had a long love affair with books. He read thousands of them, wrote more than 20, and also postulated the existence of numerous imaginary books that were never actually written. Of all the writers who aroused his adoration, a certain Russian novelist was among the most beloved. Borges wrote: “Like the discovery of love, like the discovery of the sea, the discovery of Fyodor Dostoevsky marks an important date in life.” I wonder if he will experience one of these fundamental discoveries in 2021. I strongly suspect that. It may not be Dostoevsky’s work, but I bet it will have an impact close to that of your original discoveries of love and the sea.

TAURUS (from April 20 to May 20):
Vietnamese-American novelist Viet Thanh Nguyen has won numerous awards for his work, including the Pulitzer Prize. Here are his views on the nature of achievement: “We neither succeed nor fail because of fortune or luck. We are successful because we understand the way the world works and what we have to do. We fail because others understand this better than we do. “I bring these thoughts to your attention, Taurus, because I believe that in 2021 you will have extraordinary potential to improve your understanding of how the world works and what you need to do to take advantage of that. This could be the year. that you get smarter and wiser.

GEMINI (from May 21 to June 20):
Modern civilization has not spread to all corners of the planet. There are at least 100 tribes that inhabit their own private kingdoms, isolated from the encroaching expansion of our manic and frenzied influence. Among these enclaves, many are found in the rainforests of the Amazon, West Papua and the Andaman Islands. I have a theory that many of us civilized people would love to cultivate inner qualities similar to those expressed by indigenous people: hidden from the mad world; glad to be free from noise and frenzy; and live in tune with natural rhythms. In 2021, I hope you will pay special care and attention to cultivating this part of yourself.

CANCER (from June 21 to July 22):
Hurricane Maria struck the Caribbean island of Dominica in 2016. Scientists studied two local species of anole lizards before and after the natural disaster. They were surprised to find that post-hurricane pushups had super strong grip compared to their predecessors. The creatures were better able to grasp the rocks and perches to avoid being swept away by the strong winds. The conclusion of the researchers? It is an example of one of the fastest rates of evolutionary change ever recorded. I bring this to your attention, Cancer, because I suspect that you too will have the power to evolve and transform at an accelerating rate in 2021, both in response to positive and challenging events.

LEO (July 23 to August 22):
I hope that in 2021 you will spend a lot of time meditating on your strongest longings. Are they in harmony with your highest ideals or not? Do they give you energy or do they drain you? Are they wholesome and holy, or are they unhealthy or ungodly, or are they somewhere between those two extremes? It will be wise for you to reevaluate all of your burning and burning desires, Leo, and decide which ones are in the best service for your life goals. And as for the ones that are indeed noble, liberating and invigorating: raise them with all your tender wit!

VIRGO (from August 23 to September 22):
“You can’t move mountains by whispering to them,” says singer-songwriter Pink. Strictly speaking, you can’t move mountains by yelling at them either. But in a metaphorical sense, Pink is absolutely right. Moderate, inconspicuous requests are unlikely to precipitate movement on obstacles that resemble solid rock. And that’s my oracle for you in the coming months, Virgo. When carrying out the project of relocating or collapsing a certain mountain, be sturdy and energetic and, if necessary, very loud.

LIBRA (from September 23 to October 22):
In his masterpiece The Mona Lisa, Leonardo da Vinci applied 30 layers of paint that were no thicker than a single human hair. Can you imagine the patience and concentration that it required? I am going to propose that you take inspiration from your approach as you carry out your big projects in the coming year. I think you will have the potential to create at least one work of love that is monumentally subtle and moving.

ESCORPION (from October 23 to November 21):
In the hills of central Mexico near Ejido La Mesa, the weather is getting too hot for the fir trees that are home to millions of monarch butterflies each fall. In response, local people have teamed up with scientists to physically move the spruce forest to a higher, cooler elevation. What could be your personal equivalent, Scorpio: an ambitious plan to carry out an idealistic but practical project? Based on my analysis of your astrological potentials, you will have a lot of energy to work on that scheme in 2021.

SAGITTARIUS (from November 22 to December 21):
The author Gérard de Nerval (1808-1855) made the following observation: “I do not ask God to change anything in the events themselves, but to change me in things, so that I have the power to create my own universe. , to rule my dreams, instead of enduring them. “If you have a relationship with the Divine Wow, that will be a perfect prayer for you to say regularly in 2021. If you do not have a connection to the Supreme Intelligence, I suggest you lead the same Prayer to your Superior Personal or future beauty or any sublime source of inspiration that you like best.

THEY WANT MORE? Listen to Rob’s EXPANDED AUDIO HOROSCOPES, 4-5 minute meditations on the current state of your destination, or subscribe to his exclusive daily text messaging service at:

(Zodiac images by –CC license)

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