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15 Quotes on Breakups to Ease a Broken Heart


Going through a breakup is never easy, but these breakup quotes can help ease the pain. No matter how long your relationship lasts, dealing with a broken heart is difficult. You may feel overwhelmed by emotions, feel defeated, or unable to get over it. Hopefully, these breakup quotes can help ease your pain.

However, moving on is essential or you will miss out on opportunities for happiness. Through healing process, you will learn more about yourself than ever.

While nothing can make the pain of a broken heart go away, some things will help. These breakup quotes will help ease a broken heart. In addition, they will help you see that you are not alone, which will give you more comfort.

Everyone goes through breakups and everyone breaks their heart, as you’ll see in these breakup quotes. While your pain and situation are unique, you can find comfort in the wisdom and insights of those who have successfully moved on.

Fifteen quotes about breakups

1. “New beginnings are often disguised as painful endings.” – Lao Tse

While a breakup will hurt, you should think of it as a new beginning rather than a painful ending. New things will come into your life and you will be happy again. Life will become what you want, you will look back and realize that the breakup really was the beginning.

2. “Life always waits for some crisis to occur before revealing itself in its brightest form.” – Paulo Coelho

If you think about it, all the most exciting and memorable moments happen right after something terrible happens. That is what is happening to you right now. While you may feel really bad about the breakup, try to remember that something amazing is coming soon.

3. “The saddest thing about love is that not only can it not last forever, but that anguish is soon forgotten.” – William Faulkner

While the end of love is sad, you can be sure that the heartbreak will also end. While Faulkner think that forgetting the anguish is sad, it will give you comfort to know that it will end.

4. “I was never one of those who patiently picked up broken fragments and glued them back together and told myself that everything that had been repaired was as good as new. What is broken is broken, and I’d rather remember it as it was in its prime than repair it and see the broken pieces while I lived. “- Margaret Mitchell

Even if you could fix things with the person who broke your heart, things would never be the same again. The damage would always be there, visible no matter how hard you tried to repair it.

Instead, start moving forward and choose to remember the good parts of the relationship rather than the cracks. Otherwise, you will be stuck with broken pieces of something that should be whole.

5. “Eventually all the pieces fall into place … Until then, laugh at the confusion, live in the moment and know that everything happens for a reason.” – Albert Schweitzer

Things will turn out the way they should have. You cannot rush it, force it, or wish it to be different.

While you wait for that moment, keep on By Schweitzer Advice. Enjoy every moment you can and learn to laugh when things get complicated. Live in the moment, avoid wallowing in the past, and understand that this is how life is supposed to be.

6. “We must be willing to let go of the life we ​​plan to have the life that awaits us.” – Joseph Campbell

Life doesn’t always go your way. You have to accept that and Let it go than you wanted, though. Otherwise, you would not get the life that is desired for you and things would never be perfect.

7. “Every time your heart breaks, a door opens to a world full of new beginnings, new opportunities.” – Patti Roberts

Think of all the things that you will experience now that your relationship is over. There are many things that would not happen if you had not broken up. Life would have taken you to a completely different place than where you should go.

Find comfort in the new world you have discovered. Enjoy the feeling that there is something even better for you. Look for these new opportunities and you will soon forget the pain of a broken heart.

8. “Letting go has never been easy, but holding on can be so difficult. However, strength is not measured by holding on, but by letting go ”. – Len Santos

If you keep holding on to a relationship that has ended, you will continue to suffer. While letting go is not easy, it will help you progress toward happiness again.

Be strong and look to the future. Take one step at a time and let go of what is causing you pain.

9. “Breakups hurt, but losing someone who doesn’t respect and appreciate you is actually a gain, not a loss.” – Unknown

If someone broke your heart, acknowledge that they didn’t appreciate you enough. You will find someone who respects and appreciates you the way you deserve to be. Be patient and let the right person come in instead of wallowing in the wrong one.

10. “Letting go doesn’t mean you no longer care about someone. It’s just realizing that the only person you really have control over is yourself. “- Deborah Reber

You are in control of yourself, and this includes your emotions and your well-being. You can’t keep holding on to someone you love simply because you care about them. The sooner you realize that you can’t control the way they feel, the sooner you can move on.

11. “One of the best moments to discover who you are and what do you really want out of life? Right after a breakup. “- Mandy Hale

Take advantage of this time to truly discover who you are and who you want to be. Find out what you want in life and then do it. There is no better time because it will give you a new passion and ease your broken heart.

12. “Sometimes you have to forget what you want to remember what you deserve.” – Unknown

While you may want to be with one person, it is not always the best thing for you. Remember that you deserve to be truly loved, respected, and appreciated.

If you weren’t treated that way, you better be done, even if that’s hard to see. Now, you can expect what you deserve, which is always worth the sacrifice.

13. “Remember that sometimes not getting what you want is a wonderful stroke of luck.” – Dalai Lama

Sometimes the things you want are not the best for you. A breakup is a clear sign that there is something better for you. Once you find it, you will realize that this breakup was actually a good thing.

14. “Seeing you leave my life does not make me bitter or cynical about love. But rather it makes me realize that if I wanted to be with the wrong person so badly, how beautiful it will be when the right one shows up. “- Nicholas Sparks

As Sparks explains, this should be a time to realize how wonderful the right relationship will be. If you can love the wrong person, then the amount of love in the right person is unimaginable. Look forward to that moment, because it will happen one day and you will be glad that this breakup happened.

15. “If you really want to close … at some point, you have to close the door.” – Jacki Wells Wunderlin

You cannot keep looking back at what is hurting you if you want to heal. To achieve closure, you must close that chapter of your life on your own. No one else will help you do it, but you must do it so you can start looking forward.

Final thoughts on breakup dating to ease a broken heart

Dealing with a broken heart is hard, but these fifteen quotes about breakups they are perfect for relieving pain. With reminders of the things to look forward to and the happiness to come, you should move on.

When you’re having trouble looking forward, remember these breakup quotes. It is worth having someone who loves and appreciates you all the time. Look at this moment as the beginning of the life you were meant to live.

If you can do that, you will quickly be on your way to alleviating your broken heart. Give yourself time and grace, but remember that you are amazing and the right person will come with you.


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