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Target is Offering Debt-Free Degrees to More Than 340,000 Target Team Members


Target has made it easy for Team USA members to earn their degrees starting this fall.

With a new debt-free educational assistance benefit, more than 340,000 full-time and part-time employees in stores, distribution centers and headquarters will have access to free college and associate degrees, certificates, bootcamp programs, textbooks and fees. (and much more), with no out-of-pocket costs required.

Target’s partnership with the education and training platform Guild Education to provide easy access to more than 250 company aligned programs from more than 40 schools, colleges and universities.

Target will provide direct payments to your academic institution of up to $ 5,250 for non-master’s degrees.

It will also fund advanced degrees within the school network, paying up to $ 10,000 annually for master’s programs.

To make this happen, Target is investing $ 200 million in the program over the next four years to help eliminate student debt from its team, as part of its Aim forward Commitment to the sustainability strategy to promote access to education.

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“A significant number of our hourly team members develop their careers at Target, and we know that many would like to pursue additional educational opportunities.” says Melissa Kremer, Target’s director of human resources in a statesmant. “We don’t want cost to be a barrier for anyone, and that’s where Target can step in to make education accessible to everyone.”

What’s in the syllabus?

Team members will have a variety of options, including courses for high school completion, college prep, and English language learning, as well as selected certificates, certifications, boot camps, associate’s and bachelor’s degrees.

With schools, colleges and universities like the University of Arizona, Oregon State University, and historically black colleges and universities like Morehouse College and Paul Quinn College to choose from, there will be plenty of opportunities to find something to suit the interests of staff members. , schedules and career goals.

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For workers looking to continue their education in a master’s program or other field of study in the curated network of schools, Target will provide direct payments to your academic institution to reduce the burden of expensive upfront tuition payments.

Target also raised its starting salary to $ 15 per hour for all members of the US team last year.

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