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Every time you buy a train ticket, this company will plant a tree in the UK


A new UK train ticketing startup offers even more green incentives to ditch the car and travel by train.

Trainhugger He commits to planting a tree for every trip booked through the company and he also spends a third of his income on tree planting.

Investing in nature comes at zero cost to the passenger: Tickets cost the same as through their competitors, Trainhugger says. A test search for train fares by Positive News seemed to confirm this.

“This is a really easy way for people to change their behavior and go greener, without costing them more,” said Trainhugger CEO and founder Ed Caldecott. “If you are planning a trip, book your train ticket with us and we will plant a tree in your name.”

The company has joined forces with the Royal Forestry Society and the Royal Scottish Forestry Society to optimize planting, discussing with experts which tree species are best planted and where.

With 1.8 billion train trips in the UK in 2019, Trainhugger has the potential to make a significant impact. If only one percent of those trips had been booked through the company, an additional 10 million trees would have been planted.

Currently, tickets must be booked through the Trainhugger website. There will be an app soon, the firm said.

Other service providers that plant trees



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