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Artist Creates Stunning Animal Art From Seashells She Found at the Beach – LOOK


Anna chan

Most people who walk on the beach enjoy the waves and the sand and occasionally take home a shell or two as a souvenir of a beautiful day by the sea.

However, for an eagle-eyed artist, the beach is more like an endless puzzle box filled with infinite shapes and colors from which he has created an impressive collection of animal portrait mosaics that makes everyone smile. who see them.

Anna chen

During the COVID-19 shutdown, New York-based jewelry designer Anna Chan found time off.

To complete her days, she and her 10-year-old daughter explored the beaches of Robert Moses State Park, where they began collecting seashells.

Chan soon realized that he had discovered an entirely new medium with which to express his talents.

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Initially, he thought of creating a dozen different animals to adorn the pages of a calendar, but he admits that his new work has become an obsession.

Anna chan

“Having worked on a small scale most of my life, being able to use all my hands to sculpt large pieces was really liberating, especially in such difficult times,” Chan said. My modern meeting.

Anna chan

Aptly Chan’s first sand and shell specimen was a sea turtle.

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From there, using a variety of organic materials collected from the beach, he went on to sculpt a variety of marine, avian and terrestrial species wide and eclectic enough to fill a fantasy zoo.

Anna chan

While Chan eventually chose to move his workspace from the beach to a home studio to hone his artistic vision and give his sculptures more permanence, putting together the pieces of his enchanting jigsaw puzzles from nature’s gift remains the driving force behind her. imaginative creations.

Anna chan

“Seashells are like little jewels to me, each one a mosaic piece that finds its place in the bigger picture,” Chan told MMM.

Anna chan

“I am inspired by its colors, textures and shapes and even the broken pieces, I find beauty in it.”

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