
What July’s Libra Horoscope Predictions Mean for You

Read what your sign’s 2021 horoscope predictions have in store for you or check out the Libra personality profile. 

Welcome to July, pretty Libra! At the end of June, your ruling planet Venus entered Leo, and your love life erupted with fun. In fact, you were having so much fun that you may have overlooked some of your responsibilities. It’s OK — we all do it sometimes, but it’s important to notice when it happens and get back on track. When romantic Venus in Leo opposes strict Saturn in wild child Aquarius on Tuesday, July 6, you’ll start to see where you may need to play a bit of catch-up. You can keep your exciting love life, but you also have to start getting enough sleep and prioritizing your health. 

The new moon, which marks new beginnings, on Friday, July 9, is the perfect day to dive into more self-care. Try a new face mask or snuggle up with your lover and catch up on TV. You always make a fabulous party guest and are very fun to date, but you must build time for rest into your social calendar. Remember that your professional life is important, too! On Thursday, July 15, a comet that is known as Chiron, the “wounded healer,” goes retrograde in brave Aries. During this time, old trauma may resurface, which can be emotionally draining. Ideally, you already have a solid self-care plan in place so that you don’t have to deal with your demons alone. 

Another comet, known as Vesta, also makes moves and enters your sign on Monday, July 19. Vesta rules what we consider to be holy, or magical. Because you are the sign of balance and justice, this transit has you scanning your life for injustices. You may feel called to be honest with any friends who are in what you feel to be unhealthy relationships, but remember, this can be a difficult conversation to have. Listen to them when they speak, and support them however you can. You’ll also have to face yourself and be ready to release any relationships in your life which feel toxic. Don’t let anyone drain your life force. 

Your honest communication with others may pay off when your ruling planet, Venus — the goddess of love, beauty, and abundance — enters responsible Virgo on Wednesday, July 21. When you were younger, Libra, you likely made romantic decisions based on your heart (or, let’s face it, lust) without much thought about the future. Now, you’re also thinking logically and attracting partners who are a great match for you on multiple levels. Get ready to go on lots of dates and bat those gorgeous lashes

Leo season begins on Thursday, July 22, making us all feel a bit bolder. A powerful full moon in eccentric Aquarius on Friday, July 23 lights up your 5th House of Pleasure. What does this mean? It means that you should use this night to make yourself feel good. Masturbate, eat your favorite foods, and celebrate life in a way that feels best to you. Many of us are conditioned to feel bad about taking time for self-care, but it’s crucial to excelling in both your professional and personal life. 

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