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16 Signs It’s Time to Let Go of a Toxic Partner


It is a basic human need to have a romantic relationship. However, the person you consider your soulmate puts your well-being at risk. So how do you know when it’s time to break up with a toxic partner?

You must watch your heart if you see these red flags.

Sixteen Warning Signs of a Toxic Relationship

Only the thoughts of falling in love with a beautiful person can make your heart soar. Although, as your relationship matures, you see the best and worst in each other. Of course, every couple has their difficult moments, but the good must always outweigh the bad.

Are you compatible with your partner? What are some clues that your union is doing more harm than good? Here are 15 signs that it’s time to get away from a toxic partner.

1. Communication failure

Excellent communication it is the sustenance of any relationship. If you and your person are not having meaningful conversations, it is a red flag that something is wrong. Couples in love value the opinions of others and are eager to hear what is going on in their minds.

Of course, any couple can be too busy or angry at each other for a short period. However, a toxic partner may stop listening to you and ignore your feelings. They can even become belligerent, eerily silent, or verbally abusive. It would be helpful if you consider that this person is no longer good for you.

2. No more emotional support

The beauty of being with a partner knows that she has her back and you have hers. When the going gets tough and you feel like you’re a failure, their loving support reminds you that you can make it. Whenever you feel depressed or needy, you know that your lover is holding your hand.

If you have a toxic partner, you don’t have that safety net. Instead of being your best cheerleader, they are harmful and make you feel even worse. Someone who cannot emotionally support and encourage you is not what you need.

3. Dishonesty

The foundation of healthy relationships is trust and honesty. When they break, the whole structure will collapse. Are you and your partner transparent and honest with each other?

When white lies start compiling into bigger ones, and things get swept under the rug, trust is broken. If you constantly have to guess the motives or stories of your toxic partner, how can you feel safe in the relationship?

Do you keep trapping yourself in lies and refusing to acknowledge responsibility? If they chronically lie about one thing, what other things are they hiding? You may need to evaluate your exit options.

4. Total lack of respect

Another essential facet of a committed relationship is mutual respect. You and your partner may not agree on everything, but you respect each other’s feelings and opinions. When they appreciate you, you are their top priority and they are quick to apologize if they have inadvertently hurt you.

If they have lost respect for you and take you for granted, the relationship can become toxic. You deserve to be respected by whoever says they love you. If not, do not tolerate disrespect anymore and leave with your pride intact.

5. Your relationship suffers from chronic stress

Anyone who says their relationship is stress-free is either unconscious or lying. Of course, it takes a lot of work and determination to maintain a healthy relationship, which comes with pressure. However, without a little stress, neither of you would learn, grow, and evolve as a couple.

On the other hand, your partner should not be a chronic and avoidable source of stress for you. According to an article published by the National Center for Complementary and Integrative HealthChronic stress can be detrimental to your physical and mental health. If your health is getting worse because you are overloading yourself with anxiety, you may have a toxic partner.

6. Jealousy

Has the green-eyed monster set up camp to terrorize your relationship? While it is normal to be somewhat jealous of your personal attention, it can destroy a relationship if it is a constant problem. Unfortunately, very often, serious control problems are masked as jealousy.

Does your partner make you feel more like a heavily guarded possession than a lover? They’re so paranoid and jealous that you can’t go anywhere or have friends or family close by? These are signs of an unbalanced person who is not only toxic but can also be dangerous.

7. Irresponsible financial dealings

You are in love? Contrary to romantic myths, a healthy relationship requires more than love. Just remember that romance without finances is not happening.

No, this does not mean that money rules your heart. A relationship based on greed and materialism is also doomed to fail. However, you want your partner to be responsible at work and financial management.

Some toxic partners are reckless spenders and can bog you down in debt and other financial ruin. See if they are spending money erratically and are always waiting for a ransom from you. Consider breaking ties before they ruin your credit and ruin your savings.

8. Your support network is shrinking

We all have different personalities, so understandably some can clash. Similarly, you may have an occasional family member or best friend who doesn’t get along with your partner. The difference is that mature people know how to be civil, even if they don’t like each other.

This situation becomes problematic when your lover cannot get along with almost any of his family and friends. Your partner may be the problem, but they want you to take their side and break ties with others. Beware of toxic partners trying to keep you isolated.

9. Your partner will not accept blame

Making mistakes and having deficiencies are part of the human condition. Unfortunately, couples in the best of relationships still make mistakes every day. However, the saving grace is that they take responsibility for their words and actions and ask for your forgiveness.

A toxic spouse may refuse to acknowledge blame and will pass the blame on to you and everyone else. According to an article published by the American psychological review, the blame shift is one of the many ominous signs of gaslighting.

10. You ignore your needs

A healthy relationship satisfies a partner’s need for companionship, intimacy, and validation. If your relationship feels more one-sided, consider that you may be giving too much. Your partner should respect and love you enough to make sure your needs are paramount.

With this attitude, joy and fulfillment are mutual. However, be careful if your person shows signs of narcissistic personality and only cares about your needs. They can’t love you and see you ignore your needs in their favor.

11. You feel lonely

One of the sweetest perks of falling in love is that you can be together. If your person is emotionally unavailable and not interested in fixing the situation, why bother? When they say they are there for you, they must be “there”.

You can be sitting on the couch next to your lover and still feel lonely. Do you share your thoughts, feelings and dreams as a couple? Do they take the time to have meaningful conversations with you?

12. You are bitter

Bitterness has been said to be the only poison meant to hurt another person, and it only destroys you. So how can you maintain a relationship if you or your partner harbor resentment? Whether it comes from your relationship or from other people, it is sure to create overwhelming toxicity.

Perhaps your person is bitter and refuses to extend forgiveness to anyone. As a result, their dark feelings will seep into your relationship and will soon make you feel angry and resentful. It’s a negative whirlpool that will hurt you in the end.

13. Control behaviors

A partner who loves you is not interested in controlling you. As an adult, you are still the person who makes your own decisions. A toxic partner often tries to control what you think, what you do, and where you go. A relationship shouldn’t be a virtual prison.

14. Waiting for a change

If you stay in an unhealthy relationship in the hope that your partner will change, you will be sadly disappointed. While people can work to change bad habits, many are already set in their ways. Wanting to change a toxic person is not the basis for a beautiful life together.

15. Are you in your future?

Listen carefully when your partner discusses plans and dreams for the future. Are these plans “me” or “us”? If you are not part of their future, why are you part of their present?

16. You feel depressed

How do you feel when you are with your partner? Do they bring out the best in you or do you feel lost and trapped? These negative feelings it can lead to depression.

Final thoughts on leaving a toxic partner

It’s hard to walk away from a relationship in which you have invested time, energy, and your heart. If you’ve recognized any of these telltale signs of a toxic partner, leaving may be your best option. You are a worthy person and you deserve better.



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