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12 Habits That Cause a Bloated Tummy (And How to Flush It)


There is nothing worse than the feeling of a bloated belly. Most people who have trouble with this experience extreme discomfort after a meal. If you want to avoid some of these uncomfortable sensations, you may be surprised to learn that some of them are caused by your behaviors.

It is true that you cannot avoid conditions like Irritable colon or celiac which will cause belly bloating, but other things you are doing may contribute. For example, consuming carbohydrates and sugar won’t do your digestive system or stomach any good.

Twelve Habits That Cause Belly Bloat

If you’re wondering what you can change to avoid unzipping your pants after every meal, you’ll be happy to know that you have so many options. You can control much of the bloating with a few simple modifications to your diet. Here are the 12 most common things that cause stomach bloating.

1. Consume too much salt

Too much salt can cause your body to retain water, making you feel bloated. Now you need to understand that you need a little salt to maintain your electrolyte balance, but you need to control how much you eat. Many things contain a large amount of salt, such as canned soups, deli meats, and store-bought broths.

When you reduce these items, you should see a noticeable difference in your bloating problems. Also, the inflammation caused by too much salt is also not suitable for your heart. Fortunately, there are reduced salt options in things like canned soups so you can enjoy them without a hitch.

2. Drink soda

One person can drink six cans of soda a day, while another person can drink a carbonated drink and feel like they are going to explode. Any carbonated drink, or those fizzy bubbles that everyone loves, can cause bloating.

Be careful around soda, champagne, soda, sparkling water, and anything that bubbles. You know these drinks are full of gas because you immediately need to burp when taking a sip. Another problem with these drinks is that many are loaded with sugar.

Sugar is another substance that will make you have a bloated belly and sugar will make you gain weight. Choose water with a little lemon for a healthy drink that doesn’t cause bloating.

3. Consume dairy while lactose intolerant

According to Medical News Today, there are approximately 50 million people in this country they are lactose intolerant. Unfortunately, many continue to eat dairy products despite great discomfort. When you have an allergen to cow’s milk, any product that uses it can make your stomach bloat.

If you have painful gas, bloating, and diarrhea after eating things like cheese, yogurt, ice cream, and pudding, then it is a sign that you have an intolerance problem. Avoiding these foods can help you solve this ongoing problem.

4. You are constipated from lack of water

Sodas and juices taste good, but they won’t help move your digestive system like water. When you don’t drink enough water, you don’t help your waste pass through your body efficiently and you can become constipated. Why do you think the medical community continually says that you need at least eight glasses of water a day?

When you are in a semi-dehydrated state, your intestines cannot move and you become constipated. Constipation is a horrible feeling, and if it persists for days, you can feel the effects on a bloated stomach. Excess gas and stool can make you miserable.

5. You are eating too fast

Do you like to eat at mealtime? You may be eating too fast and causing bloating problems. When you eat too fast, you allow excess air to enter your stomach, causing bloating and discomfort.

Did you know that it takes about 20 minutes for the stomach to tell the brain that you are full? You may overeat when you eat so fast that your brain can’t get it alone until the damage is done. Then, you will feel miserable for a while until all the gas in your intestines settles.

6. You are eating more fat than healthy foods

Your body needs a certain amount of healthy fat to nourish your cells and keep your system running. However, with fast food diets and those that praise eating large amounts of fat, it is possible to give your body too many good things. The problem is, fat is harder for your system to break down than other foods, so it lingers and causes bloating and discomfort.

7. Use of alternatives to milk with carrageenan

Well, here’s something you might not know. Many people skip cow’s milk due to lactose intolerance, but choose soy milk or other alternative varieties with carrageenan. What is carrageenan? Well, it is a thickening agent that can cause bloating and digestion problems.

There are many alternatives to dairy on the market these days, and most of these products are good. However, you should be sure to read the labels, as it can be sensitive to carrageenan.

8. You’re choking on sugar-free snacks

It would be easy to write a book on the dangers of sugar substitutes. These “fake” sugars are not meant to be absorbed into the body and can wreak havoc on your system. Things like sorbitol, xylitol, erythritol, and maltitol are known as sugar alcohols.

The body does not digest as much of these as traditional sugars, but not digesting them is a big problem. The vast majority experience some discomfort when they eat anything that contains these products.

You may feel bloated, dizzy, have diarrhea, and feel miserable. Try using all-natural sweeteners like stevia, honey, and monk fruit.

9. Consume FODMAP carbohydrates

The acronym FODMAP stands for fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols. It sounds confusing, but it is a type of carbohydrate that cannot be properly digested in the small intestine.

The way your body is designed, these foods are not digested until near the end of your intestines, as the bacteria in your gut need them to thrive. Unfortunately, causes an uncomfortable gas problem and a swollen belly.

What foods contain these FODMAPs? Well, if you are sensitive, you should avoid things like:

  • Garlic
  • Asparagus
  • Broccoli
  • Whole grains
  • Wheat pasta
  • Mangoes
  • Peaches
  • Rye bread
  • Dairy products

10. You are eating too many dried fruits

First, it must be said that you should eat fresh fruit whenever possible. However, if you are in the mood for some dried fruit, it works on the go. The only problem is that many people experience a challenge ingesting it due to fructose malabsorption.

When a food is rich in fructose, it causes bodily problems during the digestive process. Dried fruits have a higher fructose rate than regular fruit and can cause bloating problems. While it is a great source of nutrients and fiber, it should be enjoyed in moderation.

11. Stockpiling the nutritional bars

Protein is king in the diet industry, but many sources of protein come from soy products. If you want to avoid something as gas-inducing as musical fruit, limit your intake of protein and other nutrition bars. These meal replacement and snack options have a good premise, but the point is to stop at one.

12. You are overeating

It is easy to overeat. Think of the holiday season or a summer picnic where you tend to forget how much to eat safely. You almost always pay the price later with a bloated stomach, digestive upset, and feeling miserable.

Did you know that your stomach is only the size of a fist? According to studies, it can be stretched up to 40 times its original size. The bigger your stomach, the more you will need to fill it up. When you eat too much food, it causes all kinds of distress.

Better to keep up and go slow when you are having a feast. Chew each bite about 20 times and then take a sip of water. It will help you avoid overeating and the misery that comes with it.

Final thoughts on the habits that cause a bloated belly

Have an upset stomach, indigestion, bloated stomach, exhaustionand diarrhea is no fun. However, all of these seem to be common signs of a digestive problem. Whether you’re eating dairy when you shouldn’t be, or you’ve eaten a lot more than your stomach can handle, it can all cause gas and discomfort that make you sick.

By making some modifications to your diet and dietary habits, you can learn to say goodbye to a floating belly and the feeling that you need to unbutton your pants to catch your breath.



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