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3 Ways To Train Your Inner Voice To Be More Positive


Your inner voice is the subconscious fusion of everything you think, believe and have absorbed throughout your life. Whether you want that voice or not, it is there to narrate your everyday world, from your best moments to your worst moments. That internal narrative determines how you handle everyday situations and respond to stressors and circumstances of all kinds.

Sadly, many people have negative internal voices that criticize them, say difficult things to them, and echo their fears and anxieties. Does this describe you? Then you know that this can be detrimental to mental health and lead to many struggles in everyday life. Fortunately, you can teach that voice to be kinder! Here are three ways to train your inner voice to be more positive.

1. Understand your critical voice

Your inner voice can have a lot negative things to say about and for yourself. That is why you first need to understand that critical voice to begin to adjust it into something more possible. Here are some steps you need to take to understand that voice:

Recognize the source of the voice

Critical voices are learned over time. After all, no one is born with a natural negative voice that says harmful things to them. You receive messages as you interact with the world around you and have new experiences, and the most damaging statements that hurt you the most are repackaged by your inner voice for personal use.

In other words, those voices weren’t the ones you made organically. Instead, they are voices born from the words of others, the trauma of difficult circumstances, or other forms of conditioning. Recognizing the source of your critical voice will allow you to see where your roots lie so that you can examine them, dig them up, and determine if that source should continue to influence your life.

Identify the voice message

Please pay attention to your inner voice without immediately seeking to believe it, and try to understand what it is telling you. Choose situations where your critical voice becomes louder and more overwhelming, and listen carefully to the criticism you have to offer. It can be difficult to correctly articulate that message, especially if it is very harsh. To understand the message, try rephrasing the language for “you” instead of “me.”

For example, instead of saying, “I am a lazy person “, say,” You are so lazy. “So think: who has told you that before? And is this hostility justified in listening to it with the language” you “? Is that message true or is it the voice of someone cruel , harsh and critical? Hearing the message for what it is with your language can help unravel the purpose of that message, who has used it against you before, and if you believe it.

Understand how your voice affects you

Think about how your critical voice affects your daily interactions. Does it make you feel less secure? Have you missed opportunities because of that critical voice? Do you underestimate yourself? Discourage people with your self-loathing? Allowing yourself to be subjected to bad treatment?

Examining how a critical voice affects you and your positive thinking may be enough for you to realize that this voice hurts more than it helps, and also that it is also totally counterproductive and does not serve your best interests or your life at all.

2. Actively look for the bright side

There are positives in every situation, even if those positives aren’t as great as you’d like. If you want your inner voice to learn to hold onto the bright sides, then it’s time to start actively searching for those sides. Here’s how to do it:

Explain things positively

When you see different events in your life, you have a natural way of explaining them in your head with your inner voice. This is called an explanatory style. Research has shown that this style is closely related to the amount positive thinking you have in general, or more specifically, how much pessimism and optimism you have.

If you are pessimistic, you will naturally attribute the good events in your life to “chance” or external forces. When adverse events occur, you will blame yourself or feel that you are personally attacked by them. But if you are optimistic, you view adverse events as isolated events beyond your control and give yourself more credit for specific positive events.

The more you use a specific explanatory style, the more the relevant thinking style will apply. So start training your inner voice to explain things as an optimist would, and your natural optimism will grow.

Use humor

Some situations can feel really terrible. While you shouldn’t force positivity, you can certainly use humor as a means of maintaining positive thinking and optimism. If you’re in a situation where you can’t make a joke out loud, let your inner voice take over and gleefully scoff at the problem.

Staying open to Laughter and humor, even in tough times, can help relieve stress. On top of that, train your voice to be more positive over time. If you need help, open a joke book, watch funny videos or movies, or listen to comedy podcasts.

Be grateful

Gratitude It is a vast and vital part of actively seeking the positive side of things, and long-term gratitude practices can permanently change your inner voice for the better. Pay attention to the positives in all situations. If something bad happens, look for the bright side through gratitude. What can you still be grateful for in that moment? Did you learn a particular lesson? Do you have a support system to help you through difficult times? Are you in good health?

If you need a little more help honing your gratitude skill, you can use a gratitude journal or similar article, where you write down the things you are grateful for each day. Gratitude has positive effects on physical and mental well-being, making it a good habit to develop in general.

Recognize and replace negativity

It may seem silly at first to “talk to yourself” by responding to your negative thoughts and voice. But by doing so, you will begin to strengthen your joyful inner voice in response. For example, if your critical voice says, “You are such a lazy person! You fall behind everyone, and no one wants to be around such a drag! Why try to start? ”, You can reply with a positive voice: “No, I’m not lazy! My journey may be longer than other people’s, but I progress every day and I am not defined by other people’s paths. I’m trying for myself and I’m proud of how far I’ve come. “

Learn to understand the message and roots of the critical voice. As a result, train your inner voice to be more positive. You can also add more information to your answer to rephrase broader worldviews. For example, in the answer mentioned above, you can add: “Life is not a race and the world is not a game for people to win.” Everyone takes their time to reach their ultimate goals in life, and my time is well spent this way. We are all the same, we are all people working to achieve our goals! “You don’t need to force positivity. Instead, create a more realistic view and positivity will follow naturally.

3. Take responsibility

You are responsible for training your inner voice. Much negativity comes from feelings of loss of control or lack of acceptance of things that cannot be controlled. This means that to best support a joyful inner voice, you must learn to focus on the things you are responsible for rather than the things you cannot help or change at all. Here are some things to focus on in taking responsibility:

Past consequences of negativity

Think of all the times when the negativity in your inner voice has hurt you. Those were your thoughts and you let them control you to the point of self-sabotaging and accidentally damaging your life and opportunities. But just as your inner voice hurt you, you can take advantage of it to flip the switch. Take responsibility for responding to situations and understand that being positive is the best option for the trajectory and improvement of your life.

Your social circle

You have the opportunity to control who you surround yourself with, so choose positive people who will cheer you up and, of course, cheer them up in turn. When your friends have positive inner voices, you will learn from them and gain their support. Let go of toxic people and stay away from those who seek to bring you down.

· Your behavior

When faced with a difficult situation, what is your instinct? Playing the victim or defensive stance is tempting, but not responsible. Take ownership of your actions, apologize if necessary, and learn from bad situations to inform your future behavior. Your inner voice will flourish when you begin to admit your failures and work to improve them with positivity.

Your care

Self care it’s essential to positive thinking, and you won’t get any of that care if you don’t make sure you do. Training your inner voice to be more positive can happen indirectly in this way; When you take care of yourself, you send a subconscious message to your mind that you deserve to be taken care of and treated well. Your inner voice will pick up on that message itself, as long as you make sure to carry out self-care routines responsibly.

· Your goals

Changing your inner voice won’t happen overnight and training it can take time. You are responsible for ensuring that your inner voice is taught sufficiently, creating personal goals for that improvement. Make it clear, actionable, realistic and measurable goals, breaking them down into little milestones that you can celebrate each time.

Final thoughts on some ways to train your inner voice to be more positive

Your inner voice is a powerful tool. If you allow it to remain negative, it will ultimately be your downfall. Learning to train that voice toward positive thinking is vital to your well-being, success, and growth in life.


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