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20 Signs Your Relationship Really Was Meant to Be


How do you know if you are meant to be? When you’re dating someone you have strong feelings for, you can’t help but wonder if this is the person for you. It’s not uncommon for people to fall in love with the wrong person and end up regretting it for life.

Is there any way to tell if the person taking your eye off is the right one for you? Well, there are all kinds of theories about it, but you can’t just trust what your heart tells you. You must use your mind in these situations, as your heart is caught in the sensations you feel.

Twenty signs that you’re meant to be

There are some signs that the person you are with is perfect for you. Here are twenty signs that the one who stole your heart is your soul mate.

1. They understand and support each other

You know that no matter what you say or do, this person understands and supports you. Even if your idea seems crazy and unbalanced, they are willing to listen to you. They take you to a level few achieve, and they accept both your insanity and your sanity.

2. Communication is good when a relationship is intended to be

You can sit and talk for hours with this person as they have excellent communication. You can’t wait to tell them about your day, your friends’ gossip, and everything in between. The two of you have great conversations at dinner time, before bed, and many times during the day.

3. They set goals and dream together.

They both go in the same direction, so they love to dream together. You have big goals for the future, but all plans include each other. You cannot imagine tomorrow without the other being there.

4. They completely trust each other when a relationship is intended to be

The level of trust that exists between you and your partner is incredible. It doesn’t matter what is happening; You know you can tell him You have no problem sharing your deepest and darkest secrets as you know they won’t tell anyone.

5. Lazy days still feel like bliss.

They are so comfortable with each other that it’s okay to lie in bed watching TV in your pajamas. You don’t need big adventures and spending a lot of money to have quality time. They go together like a sock and a shoe, and being still is enough for both of you.

6. They build each other up, they don’t tear each other down

You would never think of calling them by a name or knocking them down, and they feel the same way about you. When they speak, they try build self esteem and not destroy it. You know that when all the chips are wrong and things are not going well, they will always be the ones in your corner cheering you on.

7. It’s all about the little things

While the big things are great, you love how all the little things know about you. They know how you drink your coffee, your favorite chocolate bar, fruit, cook, and what turns you on the most. They have taken the time to learn everything they can about you, and all these little things seem meaningful.

8. You don’t like being apart when a relationship is intended to be

One way you know who you are meant to be is that you cannot bear to be separated from each other. Even going to work away from them for eight hours seems excruciating. They are truly the best of friends and enjoy time together.

9. They are always on your mind

You think about them constantly and they feel for you too. You receive random text messages throughout the day or emails that remind you of how important you are in his life. Your mind daydreams about the house with the white fence and the children.

10. You share everything

There are no secrets between the two of you as you share everything. You can’t wait to call them when something happens to you. Whether the problem is big or small, you know that they are always there to listen and support you.

There are no surprises as they know absolutely everything about each other, which brings them comfort.

11. They are happy together

You can honestly say that you are happy. You feel the inner peace that comes from being with them. They make you a better person and you do the same in return. You are so connected that you live in pure happiness most days.

Sure, life is challenging, but challenges are always better when you have an amazing support system.

12. There are no lies or deceptions

You and your partner don’t lie to each other, and there is no cheating bone in your body. So you are sure that what they tell you is the truth that you never guess anything.

You feel like you can defend this person when the world is against them, as you have no doubts in your mind that what they say is 100 percent authentic.

13. Your vulnerabilities are well known

Many people put walls in a relationship, but there are no walls with you and your partner. You feel free from expose your vulnerabilities and lower your guard. They know about past trauma, things that hurt you deeply and you feel safe in their arms.

14. There are very few arguments

While it is normal to disagree, they certainly do not argue with each other. Both have learned to master friendly disagreements without aggravating the situation. He has an elaborate system for joking about problems without taking it to the extreme.

Also, know the importance of solving problems sooner rather than later. You wouldn’t dare go to bed angry or sleep apart.

15. Their family and friends like them

Another sign that your relationship is meant to be is that your friends and family like you. Your family might even consider you part of the package at this point. Unlike some people who want to avoid meeting their inner circle, their partner has embraced them with open arms.

If these people are important to you, your partner needs to get to know them too. Remember, in-laws will be a part of you for the rest of your life, so you need to make sure that it will not be a bumpy road that will make you miserable.

16. You are spiritually connected

While you have mastered the connection on a physical and emotional level, you are also spiritually connected. You have a similar belief pattern that improves your relationship. According to ChopraMany people get divorced or go their separate ways because their spiritual beliefs don’t line up.

An agnostic or atheist person might not be a good fit with someone who is a devout Christian. If your spiritual visions don’t align, they could become a source of contention. However, they both have similar backgrounds and share a vision of spirituality; It’s another sign that you’re meant to be

17. Your gut instincts tell you it’s okay

Your gut instincts o Your intuitive nature is a good indicator of how well things are going. You will have pain in the pit of your stomach when things are not quite right. However, you have nothing but good feelings towards your partner and there are no reservations or hesitations.

18. They laugh together when it’s supposed to be

They have a lot of fun together. While you know that life is not just about fun and games, it is nice to be around him. They are the type of person who makes grocery shopping fun, and you need their lightness in your life.

19. They are eager to commit

Unlike some people who have major commitment issues, they can’t wait to pledge their love and devotion to you. They were calling you boyfriend or girlfriend right away. There are no commitment phobias here as they let you know where you are in your life.

20. They attract you

While you can’t always judge a book by its cover, there needs to be some physical attraction. You are crazy about this person, and their appearance is just the icing on the cake. According to Madeleine A. Fugère, Ph.D. by Psychology Today, physical attraction is important because it can inhibit romance if it is not.

Fortunately for most of us, people are not looking for supermodels, but are drawn to others for their wit or intellect, not just their beauty.

Final thoughts on being in a relationship that I wanted to be

Most people look for a divine sign or inspiration that will point them in the direction of finding their soul mate. Matters of the heart are some of the most frequently asked questions. However, when someone is meant to be, it is a feeling that envelops you and brings you comfort.

If you constantly wonder if things are okay, you may want to re-examine the relationship. As the old saying goes, when it’s correct, you know it. There is no reason to second guess things or have uncertain feelings in the pit of your stomach.

If you find the one your heart yearns for, run to him with open arms and accept the gift you’ve been given.


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