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15 Affirming Statements to Help You Raise More Confident Children


Raising children is difficult no matter what, but it is even more difficult to raise confident children. There are so many things children must learn that it can seem impossible to teach them all. Fortunately, positive statements can help you raise children with more confidence.

Positivity promotes a general sense of well-being. When a child feels good, they will be open to things that they would otherwise leave out. Also, they will be more likely to feel safe throughout their lives.

By teaching your children positive affirmations, you will help them be successful in life. You cannot be by their side at all times, so you need to provide them with the necessary tools in advance. Start by teaching positive affirmations because they can be used anywhere and anytime.

You will have to help them remember and repeat the statements First of all. However, once they get used to it, they will start to recognize their favorites without help. When they can do it without help, you will know that they are doing it when you are not around.

Why Positive Affirmations Help Raise Confident Children

Positive affirmations are suitable for everyone, and this includes children. As they advance in life, they learn and grow while often dealing with overwhelming situations and emotions. Using affirmative statements in these situations will help you replace negative thoughts with positive ones.

They will be able to see solutions to their problems instead of unattainable obstacles. Using affirmative statements helps them to strengthen their brain, more specifically, what is called the ‘control center‘of the brain. Your children will be able to think in a way that promotes the following:

  • Problem resolution
  • impulse control
  • emotional regulation

Positive affirmations for kids they also promote resilience that lasts a lifetime. They will handle change and unexpected situations more easily. Also, they will be able to move away from negative thought patterns more easily.

Fifteen Positive Statements to Help You Raise Safer Children

The affirmations will be etched in your brain subconsciously. Also, once they have repeated them enough, children will start using affirmations even when you are not around. This makes it easier for the child to redirect his thoughts when necessary.

1. I will always do my best.

When children do their best, they feel good about themselves. This can instill confidence and help them keep pushing. They also won’t give up so quickly when things don’t work out.

Have your child repeat this statement at the beginning of each day to help him do his best. When you help them say this statement each morning, it will still be on your mind when you are not there.

2. There are positive things in all situations; I just have to find them.

Teach your children to seek positivity in all situations. This will help them to be happier, more confident, and more emotionally stable. When things don’t go their way or something changes, they too will be more resilient.

3. When I make a mistake, I will try again.

Clutter is a part of life, even for adults. Using this phrase will remind your children that it is okay to make mistakes whenever they try again. This affirmation can give them the motivation to try until they get it right.

4. I will practice hard to develop my skills and improve.

Children must understand that it takes practice to improve. They can’t be good at something overnight and they can’t get better if they don’t practice. Using this statement before practicing will help you to do your best to learn.

5. I am good enough and I don’t have to be perfect.

This statement affirms that the child is good enough as he is. Perfection is impossible, so you must understand that you do not have to be perfect. Knowing this will help them accept and love themselves, even if they are not perfect.

It also lets them know that other people don’t have to think they are perfect. They can be themselves without worrying about perfection.

6. I am unique, special and loved.

Children should know that they are unique and loved. It is clear that we are all different and your child should know that it is good to be unique. Help them accept their differences while reminding them how much you love them.

A child who knows that he is unique and loved will be happier and more confident in life. They know that there are people who love them unconditionally and who are free to be themselves.

7. I can speak when I am uncomfortable or when something is not right.

When children know that they are allowed to speak, they are more likely to do so. This is important in a few different situations.

If they are uncomfortable with something, they should know that it is okay to say so. When they think something is not safe, respectful, or kind, they can also speak up. Using this affirmation can help your child have the confidence to speak up when he needs to.

8. I set limits for myself and respect the limits of others.

Teach children about set limitsand then ask them to repeat this statement daily. They have the right to decide their limitations and make others respect them. Likewise, confident children also respect the limits of others.

9. I am in control of my body and my actions.

Children should know that it is not acceptable to blame others for what they have done. They control their bodies and are the only person who can decide what they will do.

It is also important for children to know that they do not have to do what other people say. Since they control their bodies, no one else can force them to do things they don’t want to do. This is another place where limits are a beneficial idea.

10. I work hard and do great things.

To do great things, a person must work hard. This is true for both adults and children. Have your child repeat this statement so they are more likely to work hard and see great results.

11. I can learn new things.

New things can be intimidating, but a confident child will try anything. Before getting into a situation where something new might happen, ask your child to say this statement. They will feel more confident in their ability and will be more likely to enjoy the learning process.

12. When the going gets tough, I’ll keep trying.

Life is not easy and that is evident from an early age. Sometimes it’s tempting to give up when the going gets tough, but that’s not what a confident person would do.

A confident person would keep trying when the going got tough. Using this affirmative statement will help your child keep trying, too, and become more confident along the way.

13. It’s okay to ask for help when I need it.

It is better to ask for help than to fight alone. With help, a child can learn more than he would have learned alone.

Also, asking for help when help is needed is an important part of trust. Help the child realize that it is okay not to be perfect too.

14. I’m learning what I like and what I’m good at.

Children try new things all the time and may seem to change their minds frequently. This is normal because they are learning about themselves. They shouldn’t feel bad about this, because it is an important part of becoming a confident person.

15. It’s okay to express my emotions.

Expressing emotions is important and can improve confidence and self-esteem. Children must know that their feelings are valid and must be experienced. As they express their feelings, they learn to control their emotions and deal with them in a positive way.

When a child is comfortable expressing his emotions, he can also learn to overcome them. All of this allows them to have more confidence in who they are.

Final Thoughts on Affirmative Statements to Help You Raise Safer Children

Raising confident children is important if you want them to have the best opportunities in life. They will try new things, practice until they get better, and speak for themselves and others. Also, they are more likely to ask for help and express their emotions when necessary.

Since you cannot be with your children all the time, using affirmative statements can help. As stated above, you may have to practice with them initially, but they will improve over time. Before you know it, they will pronounce themselves every time they start to doubt.

These affirmative statements can help you raise more safe children, use them every day. Give your children the best chance in life by helping them to have confidence in who they are.



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