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13 Behaviors That Can Help Reverse Prediabetes


Has your doctor told you that you are prediabetic? Prediabetes is something to be taken seriously as it is a warning sign.

The alarm bells send out clear signals. Your body is trying to tell you that if you don’t change your ways, you will develop full-blown diabetes.

You can monitor your blood sugar levels at home or your doctor will run a hemoglobin panel that measures your A1C levels. According to Diabetes alert, the acronym for A1C stands for glycated hemoglobin. This test will assess your blood sugar levels for the past three months to give you a score.

The goal is to keep your A1C below 7, but doctors are concerned when their patients have a number between 5.7 and 6.4. This is because these medical experts have seen people make the leap from prediabetes to someone with diabetes in a short time.

How serious is type 2 diabetes?

You cannot forget how serious it is to develop type II diabetes, as the health consequences can be serious. If you don’t keep your sugar levels in check, you can have all kinds of problems.

Your blood thickens when the glucose in your body is out of control, and it can increase your risk for blood clots, heart attack, or stroke. According to PreventionHere are some other things that commonly happen to people with diabetes:

  • High blood pressure
  • Elevated cholesterol levels.
  • Gum disease
  • Poor brain health
  • Erectile dysfunction or erectile dysfunction
  • Hearing loss
  • Frequent urinary tract infections.
  • Numerous yeast infections
  • Sleep apnea
  • Cataracts and other visual difficulties.
  • Kidney disease and eventually failure
  • Neuropathy
  • Amputations

If this list of potential tell-tale complications doesn’t prompt you to make changes, nothing will. Diabetes is serious and can end your life.

Ways to reverse prediabetes

Now that you are fully aware of the complications of this disease, it is time to be proactive. You can fix things and there is time to reverse this situation. Here are some behaviors you can change that will have a significant impact on your glucose numbers.

1. Increase fiber volume

Fiber is one of the best ways to fight diabetes. First, it helps fill you up so you eat less, and second, it helps stabilize blood sugar. There are two types of fiber, soluble and insoluble.

Insoluble has delicious foods like cashews, peanuts, beans, oatmeal, apples, quinoa, grains, and lentils. Soluble fiber is a powder that you put in water and does a great job of lowering A1C levels. according to Age Matrix.

2. Eliminate high-sugar fruits

It’s okay to eat fruit while you have diabetes, regardless of popular belief. However, you should choose varieties with less sugar or limit vegetation that is high in sugar. Berries are an excellent source of nutrition without a ton of sugar. Consider things like raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, and strawberries, which are great for you.

However, the most sugary fruits are bananas, mangoes, watermelon, pineapple, oranges, grapes, figs and cherries. Don’t tell yourself that you will never be able to eat these foods, but remember that these foods are best limited.

3. Mix the white bread

White bread is heavily processed and has too many additives. White flour is a big problem, as it turns into starch within the body, which turns into sugar. However, it would help if you didn’t get caught up in the advertising schemes that anything labeled “whole grains” is good for you too.

Make sure you take the time to see what is in your bread. Wheat bread and those made with seeds are usually a better option, but they don’t have the same soft, sticky texture as the white varieties. Still, the high fiber content helps keep your sugar numbers in check.

4. Get moving

Sometimes it’s not so much about what you eat, but the fact that your lifestyle is sedentary. Now, keep in mind that you shouldn’t exercise if your glucose is over 250 mg / dl or too low. Fortunately, many programs can help you lose weight and get your sugar levels where they need to be.

5. Avoid potatoes

Who doesn’t love a nice bowl of mashed potatoes or a large baked potato loaded with goodies? Unfortunately, potatoes are like eating pure sugar, as their high starch content is converted to sugar in your body. If you are in the mood for a potato then you should try sweet potato as it is loaded with fiber and nutrients that a diabetic needs.

6. Get in shape

According to the National Institute of Health, more than 80 percent of all people with diabetes are overweight. You can quickly reverse your numbers by reducing your body fat.

7. Avoid carbohydrates

There are many benefits to reducing your carbohydrate intake. However, you may be wary of using fad diets that won’t last. It would be helpful if you changed your eating habits to avoid getting this disease. Unfortunately, many of the foods you like are probably not good for you. Try to stay below 225-325 grams of carbohydrates per day, as recommended by the Mayo Clinic.

8. Read the labels

Get in the habit of reading labels when you do your shopping. If you run any of the “click list” grocery ordering services, they offer all the labels online for you to see too. Stay away from things like saturated or trans fats, heavy corn syrup, molasses, dextran, maltose, invert or regular sugars, and malt syrup. All these things are not good for you.

9. Eat healthy fats like fish and avocados

Healthy fats are good for prediabetes, but they are also good for your heart. They help absorb nutrients in the body and have a negligible effect on blood sugar levels. They help fill your stomach completely so you’re not looking for something to eat an hour later.

10. Treat sleep apnea

It sounds strange, but your sleep may have a lot to do with your insulin resistance. When you have sleep apnea, you stop breathing at night.

Some clues that you have this condition include loud snoring, waking up choking and shortness of breath, excessive sleepiness during the day, a headache when waking up, and your partner telling you to stop breathing at night.

Just by wearing a device that helps your airways stay open during sleep, you can improve your insulin levels.

11. Flush your system with water

When you drink more water, you go to the bathroom more often. The kidneys are responsible for removing impurities from your system, so the more water you drink, the more glucose you lose. Anyone with diabetes will tell you that drinking water is essential for balancing your sugar levels.

If you regularly consume juices and sodas, turn to water as it is beneficial for the body. Also, sodas and juices are loaded with sugars, which a person with prediabetes does not need.

12. Work with a nutritionist

Working with a nutritionist can be incredibly beneficial when you have a condition like prediabetes. It is very difficult to know what foods you can and cannot eat with a glucose problem. Although your doctor may try to point you in the right direction, he does not have all the specific training of a registered dietitian.

One of the benefits of a dietitian is that they can help you make a specific eating plan focused on the foods you love. It would help if you knew that there are healthy foods you will like and exciting new ways to create dishes for your health. Remember, your goal is to learn to stabilize your blood sugar to control your glucose with diet.

Fortunately, it is not that difficult to eliminate what is wrong and focus on healthy food choices.

13. Stop smoking

Smoking is bad for you as it releases harmful toxins into your body. Cigarette smoke makes it difficult to breathe and constricts your blood vessels. You can die from oral and lung cancer due to smoking, but it can also affect your blood sugar levels.

Nicotine, a stimulant drug found in cigarettes, has a direct effect on blood sugar levels. According to the Centers for Disease Control, Cigarette smoking causes inflammation in the body, which makes the body stop responding to insulin, making it resistant.

Final thoughts on how to make lifestyle changes to reverse your prediabetes

For some, being diagnosed with prediabetes is a wake-up call that it’s time to change your lifestyle. The best thing about type II diabetes is that it can be reversed. Genetics play a role, but your glucose levels are dictated by the foods you eat and a sedentary lifestyle.

Since most people with this type of diabetes are overweight, it is time to take steps to prevent it from becoming a full-blown disease. Diabetes is a very troublesome condition to control and it is expensive. It will affect all aspects of your life.

Being told that your prediabetic may be a shock, but it is the jolt you need to stimulate you to make the necessary changes. Do you want to prick your finger four or more times a day to control your blood sugar, among all the other things that are asked of you? Now is the time to modify your lifestyle.


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